I can confirm that Chen’s method works. You have to STOP mashing to make the fourth hit combo.
Dic is an upper tier character, and looking at him on a technical level could be top tier in some players eyes.
Without going into too much detail though, i’ll give you a list of things which support him being a higher tier character.
- Does alot of damage
- Can punish mistakes very easily, even at long range.
- Very mobile, big long jump good for crossups, aswell as escape danger and a very fast walk speed
- Great throw, easy to tick into, good options after, even if they tech.
- hard hitting combos, all his practical combos do alot of damage. His TOD (touch of death; combo that dizzies and leaves opponent with less than 50% health. All you have to do then is repeat that combo to kill your opponent) is also one of the easiest to do in the game.
- Good air moves. His jumping MK and HK crossup for good combos and tick throws. His Jump straight up MK/HK and jumping MP (which juggles; also possible to combo with super) a great air move, beating lots of stuff in the air serving as a great anti-air move.
- Good block strings, you can really put on alot of pressure on some characters with some inventive block strings.
- Corner tricks, such as 1 hit crossup crusher, ambigous crossup slide after throw, and a cheeky jumping mk overhead.
- Very good super, extremely fast which can easily punish fireballs, act as a reversal, and can be juggled after with jumping MP for 2 extra hits
Theres prob more reasons, but thats the basics of why hes considered by many to be that good. Theres no doubt in my mind being a Dic player, he be top tier if he had reversal or even a larger selection of anti-air moves