i would definitely travel to a main event for this game…the other side tourneys may be a stretch for me. Still a lot of great competition in this game even without the haters who cant adapt to the simple changes. Fucking scrubs
Thats what Im talkin bout Oski!
I’m always down for any kind of street fighter 2 action. Get the ball rolling and I’ll help out any way I can.
Dont even get me started on this topic Oski. Agree 100%. If they swallowed their pride and invested into Sf2’s last hope for survival in the same way they do superturbo, then maybe Plush wouldnt need to embark on this quest.
I could go on forever about it and it makes me sick to the stomach cos i love SF2 and this game, but this isnt the time for that sort of negativity.
I may come back to the game, not that im going to make a difference, but if we can start tracking down all the lost talent as well all the people who moved to SF4 and became also rans, we have a chance and collectively it makes a difference.
Iv said it a thousand times, money talks. Lets start slow and then work to getting this shit back on the main evo stage. Money talks, so lets build the community and then commit to funding a pot. If we can build a list of contributers i will fund the pot to the tune of £100. If we get 50 such people we have a viable pot and that means the big hitters will take notice.
I dont see this as chucking money away, i see it as being part of history and breathing life into the greatest version of sf2.
Even though I pretty much “retired” from offline events I would definitely start coming out again if HDR made a comeback.
Thanks Papercut! I appreciate the support Im gettin from all you guys and I’ll be talkin to the right people to help make this happen!
HDR is a great game… not only were all the OG’s from ST playing it, but also a lot of new talented players were coming up as Hado-King mentioned. I also like ST but there aren’t solid platforms to play with online. GGPO is so jumpy that it feels nothing like the real thing in the supergun side tourneys. HDR is easy to adjust to when playing offline vs online. I’m with Phlush in trying to bring it back, how did it die? Lack of community support? lack of Sponsors?
Count me in kid…
I think this is a pretty nice idea, and am willing to try helping if people are interested around the east. Nice thread royal
Good post and everything BUT…I don’t think anybody cares about the accomplishments of those HDR players and that’s not going to get anyone playing HDR.
Also, This has nothing to do with the HDR revival or your post, but I just felt like speaking my mind a little bit. When people think of HDR …I’m pretty sure most people indirectly think about me and my posts :nunchuck::rock:lol Mind you, nobody admits it, but I’m pretty sure everyone secretly thinks about me and all of my awesome, controversial, and enlightening posts. After I wrote posts, I used to check the counter to see how many people were looking at the forums. lolz that was always good for a laugh!! I’d routinely get 30 people in the HDR forums studying my posts; there’d usually be around 5-10 people otherwise. I suspect a lot of sf4 players came to the forum specifically for my posts.
Even my haters, and there were a lot, would use my tactics and copy my unique writing style. I think if it wasn’t for me people would have continued to hate on Honda and Ryu’s fake fireball and the game would have died much quicker-probably after a year or so. I think my posts generated a lot of interest in the game. What can I say, I was the bomb at what I did!!! lol It’s too bad I have nothing to show for all the hard work I put into all those awesome posts. sigh It’s like, why did I waste so much of my valuable time writing those awesome posts on such a shitty game? But hey, that’s the story of my life I guess. Nobody will ever appreciate anything I do, at anything:(
I’m down for an east coast tournament.
Im down to support homie.
If you need help running you know how to contact me phlush…
Digital Infamy, Marsgatti, Koop, and Infamousone thanks too for lookin to help. It looks like now we have support to help run this on the west, midwest and east so thats nice!
So I talked to my friend Evan from Focus-Fire about this and heres what he had to say:
"What’s up Royal,
Thanks for the message! I like the idea, but we need to make sure there is enough interest to make it worth your time, our time and everybody elses time. Getting equipment to all of these places would be somewhat difficult and expensive. We would probably need to add more games to the list to make sure the attendance would be high enough as the last thing we want to do is lose $$. If we could somehow figure out a way to get more of the online players to attend these events, that would be great.
I’m interested, keep me up to date on this…"
Great Idea, Phlush! Count me in!
Keep at it Phlush!
There is a Northwest Majors this November here in Seattle. I tried getting HDR as main tourney but they weren’t for it, we barely got Arcade ST in here…I’m going to try to do a side tournament to HDR, to maybe help revive or get some people interested. Sadly that’s all i can do but its better then nothing.
I appreciate what phlush is doing for HDR.
Thanks bro!
I have emerged from the depths!!!
Sorry for my absence everyone. A bad rainstorm hit Chicago back in July and my 360, Stick, and laptop got ruined due to my apartment flooding. Anyway, as far as HDR goes I’m pretty much done with the game anyway. Its nothing personal at all towards anyone (or even HDR), but I’m sticking to ST and 3rd Strike. Don’t think for a second I’m just up and out though! I still have my recorded Race to 10 with GeneiJin I recorded waaaay back in January. Stay on the edge of your seat. It’ll be up soon and you can consider it my parting gift. :nunchuck:
HDR players talk shit online and think they’re GDLKE for winning a few matches but never go to tourneys unless you can fix that HDR will stay dead.
I caught the end of the hdr tournament at Devastation by accident. I really miss playing that game. I actually loaded it up for the first time in nearly 2 years lol. I have been completely removed from the leaderboards because of my absence. I’m honestly thinking about knocking some online scrubs around to reclaim my place if people still play it. With that said…
I would definitely come out of retirement and go to Chicago for a tournament worth while. My friend has been wanting me to do a trip to Chicago anyway.
Sounds great, thanks RoyalPhlush. Let’s have the West Coast event in Northern California.