HDR Online Remixed Tournaments []

Alright, going to try for an earlier time at the end of the week. Next event is scheduled on a Sunday afternoon, April 3/2011 at 3PM EST/12PM PST. Standard remixed double elimination with default rules.

Last event the outcome was pretty weak, i think there was only 5, 5 amazing players but damn only 5…I think we can do better then that.

It seems like there is a tourney every 2 weeks, why not let the roster decide which is the best day to do it? The day w/ the most vote wins it & then people will then decide on the best time…What do you think?

Man i want to do this one on Sunday but i wont be back home until 5pm PST…

Sign me up GeneiJin87. And I would have participated in the last tournament but I had prior engagement with wifey. :slight_smile: Besides it wouldnt have been fair taking out ChunLi. lol

Darth Simicus is coming back.

Make it 7 pm eastern on the 3rd and I’m in. I work until 6 on that Sunday…

sign me up whenever you guys do this im down

LOL im a family man, usually best time is after dinner…5:30pm PST/8:30 PST

If you guys can accommodate that im in…

If you can start it at 7 30 Eastern then I’m 100% in there!

I don’t have my april’s work schedule yet. is it cool if you sign me up and just DQ me if I no show? sorry for the troubles. I really want to play. I want to make up for my shit performance last time.

I’m seeing people are more available during the evening, so I may make it 8PM EST/5PM PST if it’s more manageable for the majority. Let me know guys.

In Elton’s defense that is pretty late and actually not late enough for me. Why cant we do it sooner during the day like in the afternoon or even in the morning? You obviously are not going to make everyone happy and when you went to the find your opponent at your leisure for matches no one played their matches that way either.

I wont be available at 8pm EST/7 CST. Thanks though.

Yeah, I know it’s not entirely feasible to host during everyone’s convenience. I may have to postpone and schedule for another day since it’s looking like an even break between time conflicts (will let you know late Friday or early Saturday). Leave me a schedule with your convenient days and times, if you can guys. Thanks.

I’m down for when ever on Sunday I just might need a reminder :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got all of Sunday free.

Alright, the event is going to stay at 3PM EST/12PM PST. I have other plans during the evening so I won’t be able to make it any later. Sorry guys.

So far the list is:
Sweet Poison

Finally a tourney that I can make!

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I’ll be there. It’s been too long since I used that HRAP.

Sign me up. Good stuff Genei, thanks.

I was busy this afternoon but will look out for the upcoming event if you keep it going. Nice job **Genei **in continuing to put these online events for the sake of HDR!

nm…just saw I’m already signed up. Someone is about to get a free win. Doh

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Brackets are uploaded. Please check the matchups page for more details.