I was just thinking that this morning on the way to work. I should have more important things on my mind than this but, meh, I was thinking PSN is like crack, and XBL is like cocaine
At this point, I;m gona consider PSN “april fools day” HDR, and treat it as a joke. From the point on, I can’t take it serious anymore. Xbox migration, and top people already playing it. Looks like I’m going to have to succumb to peer pressure.
im suffering(or getting pleasured by) HDR-post-exotic-best-disorder. everytime i win a fight, i keep saying “ok, just one more” over and over again until i get carpel tunnel and its really late. WOW do i love this game.
I’m gay for vega.
I got a sample of xbox last night.
D-G-V was on PSN last night. . . :shake:
HDR was my first fighting game, and the game that got me INTO the fighter genre. Arc System Works owes their sale of Blazblue to Sirlin, heh.
all of that pretty much applies to me. i got HDR wanting to get into the 2d fighting genre. i decided maby a cheap hori arcade stick would make things better…and it did, and, well i can’t stop playing.
because of this game, i got sf4, blazblue (i ended up not liking it, but arc still has my $60), and one of those TE madcatz sticks…thinking about it, my wallet would have appreciated me not getting HDR.
now if only i could land my gief super more often…
I have to be honest, the reason I got a fricking 360 in the first place was because of HDR. Nothing else is necessary, it is all I ever have and ever will require (though other games are an added bonus)
You got any of that HDR, i need it ill do anything for it, ill … well on second thought nevermind, i dont think HDR is that good lol.
Damn, my PSN HDR is bad quality, how’s that GGPO stuff? :lol:
I whittled away my summer playing HDR while everyone round here cared about sf4.
I said this morning “that’s it fools! I’m getting back into 4 cause I’m tired of no one playing the game I play and getting my ass whooped every weekend. And to boot, I’m gonna start with a new character: Dhalsim!”
I went through his piss easy trial mode, got some of the links and BnB shit down. Played some quick ‘go easy on me’ matches with people on my friends list. This took about 2 hours. I then spent 6 hours in HDR player matches, completely oblivious to my new mission and how much time I was spending.
Glad I’m not the only one!
I only bought the frickin Xbox 360 ONLY because of HDR. I was all nostalgic and stuff, and said to myself "I can fight opponents ALL around the world…cool…I’m in.
I know there is newer games out there - MvsC2, KOF, and Tekken, but honestly, nothing compares to the Classic that is known as Street Fighter. Kind of like Coca Cola. Same stuff. Still Good. Why change? =)
Sometimes they don’t have a coke machine. :looney: