HD REMIX is now officially dead in europe

well I made this thread in Neo Empire forums show your views
we need to be heard


I don’t think its HDR vs SFIV really, it’s SF2 vs other games, but I get what you mean in the fact the Street Fighter players may have moved to IV.

I was at Battle of Destiny but I couldn’t play cos it was on PS2 - I spent almost all day playing REMIX! Cos it is the first game with decent online meant it was the first game I had a chance to compete at. I wouldn’t have had a chance at BOD even if I’d been able to enter.

Although yes, I wish I’d been able to play SF2 nearer it’s heyday, but I’ve never lived near London.

Not exactly related to SVB but theres not alot of people playing this game online in Europe either, hardly ever see low pings (on PSN anyway). Sucks that its not appearing at SVB, its a good game :frowning:

That sucks. KOF XII over HDR? what are people smokin these days