HD Remix 4:3 or 16:9?

4:3 looks gross. If my opponent agrees can we play on 16:9?

Jesus, how do you even play on a screen that big? You’d have to sit back 15’ for optimal viewing. I think a 15 year old fighting game is going to look pretty ghetto on one of those screens, HD or not.

Now, 4:3 on my 37" SD TV. That looks good. j/k.

All those TV’s are atypical of the correct hardware for this game to run on and really can’t be considered for tournament use. Most people don’t have 60" widescreen or 37" 4:3’s and would have just as much trouble adapting to that as anything else. Same goes for if EVO decided to have players play on individual 13" screens.

The majority of people responding to this poll play in widescreen mode. Whether it’s the 23" monitors evo is using or the 60+" tvs some people have is immaterial. The fact is that most people play widescreen. It’s sad to me that Evo is going to use 4:3 for a *new *game. It looks really ghetto letter-boxed.

This is the point of disconnect for the 4:3 crowd. To us HDR is not a new game. It plays 98% the same as Super Turbo. We would no more play HDR in widescreen than we would ST.

If Evo reverted back to ST mode would you still prefer widescreen?

Also to note: I’m not going to Evo. The only reason I care about this is that the settings at Evo are essentially the national standard. Ask any tournament organizer why a particular rule is the way it is and the typical response will be that it is that way at Evo. I only argue here for completely selfish reasons about my own possible future tournament experiences.

At that point you don’t play the game, you live it. I hear you feel Cammy’s legs wrap around your head and stuff your face into her crotch for a frankensteiner.

Personally I prefer 4:3 because it makes me feel old school. And as someone who started playing SFII seriously less than a year ago, feeling old school is a big deal.

Except that it is a new game. And I really wish some of the oldschool people would begin to accept that.

If it was really ST, on a supergun or DC or something, then 4:3. If it was HDR in classic mode, then I don’t know.

Regardless of what Evo does, I can almost gaurantee you that all socal tourneys will be playing in widescreen, just like we have since the games release.

Please don’t try to speak for anyone else but yourself. I play in 4:3. I consider HDR to be a new game.