The only game I could actually ‘teach’ someone is guilty gear, and I have. When I just got it, I showed it to my girlfriend, and she loved it. Right now she’s around the same level as me. But in the beginning I did scare her a bit with all the technical stuff like RC’s and FRC’s… but we just kept on playing and after a while she started trying the technical stuff. She’s not to motivated to try combo’s in Training mode though. She likes to experiment on live subjects… like me
I got another friend of mine into Guilty Gear, but that was more like:
Me: check this out
He: wow that’s so cool! (gets the game)
and from then he and me taught the game by ourselves
I taught a guy in the Air Force how to play MSH, and a little Nightwarriors, but I got a general discharge before his education was complete. I can’t teach my cousins shit. They just want to grab the controller and mash EVERYTHING wildly while jerking their bodies all over the place. Maybe cuz they’re girls…who knows?
I agree with you FMJaguar totally…as far as the results thing I was taking a stab at someone who if they read this thread will know EXACTLY what I was talking about… that whole results “scrub tactics” thing was an inside joke…
Yes I agree to be a leader you’ve gotta follow sometime…but some people judge someone because they don’t do “such and such” and this and that …or say “you use scrub tactics because you use Rushdown Chun in 3s”…well damn if I get top three in the tourney does it matter???
Thats my shout out…but I agree…too many people waste time being copycats…and that hurts everything as well as match vids because everyone is trying to be like someone else and not be original…
About coyping I totally agree…I use the styles of ALL players as my base…but not everything to me…I want to be different…have my own flair…
You’ve gotta be good to begin with to copy someone point blank…I just think too many people as you say focus on copying too much and not thinking for their own selves…I think there needs to be a balance…
And an old adage rings true “There is nothing you’ve done that hasnt been done before…” but its still good to try to develop your own style… I mean geez heaven forbid look at all the post-TS6 Denjin Ryus in my area…Jesus…not everyone can do it like Mopreme-Alex Valle…lol.
And I develop my own style based off what suits me…what many others do…what I know etc…
I have to agree with that.
Ive taught Virtua Fighter 4 (Not that crazy frame counting shit), CvS2, and GGXX.
Both people seemed to grasp basic concepts and enjoy it.
I have never taught anyone any sort of fighting game since I am in the process of learning them myself, but I have taught people in other games. One of the most frustrating things for me is when people want your help but don’t learn how to do it.
The way that I like to teach is to go over the basics of whatever they are doing and then let them figure out the rest for themselves. The whole, “Feed the man a fish and he eats for a day but teach the man to fish and he eats forever,” rings as 100% true to me.
When I become good at fighting games, I hope that I never forget the progress that I went through in order to become good. With that in mind, I would just go over the aspects of the games and how they are used and then have them practice on live and still targets to get the feel for how they work.
I can see dedication being a problem. In a world where we can get information in seconds, it’s sometimes easy to forget that not everything comes easy. I have fallen victim to that many times myself. I would put that little disclaimer in before I teach anyone anything dealing with fighitng games.
I got my girlfriend into 2d fighters(she was heavily into SCII at the time). Introduced her to SFII. She got hooked(playing as Cammy and Chun on AE.) I began teaching her CvS2, and a few others as well. She really likes the games(but she’s hooked on DDR now, so I think she’s pretty much over them unfortunately…that is…until AA comes out. I’ll be having her play that like crazy…hopefully she’ll get hooked again.) When she was playing often with me, she was very good. Her favorite by far is any KOF. She LOVES those games. She’s pretty close to being equal to me on a lot of the games. She just catches on so fast. She has Sakura, Morrigan, and Cammy action figures in her room even. She also bought AE, CvS2, KOF 2001 & 2000(well, a present from me), and a few others. I think she’ll be back when she misses them enough(probably will be soon.)
I also have taught a friend of mine the basics(specials, supers, etc.) He plays Yang and Ryu on 3s and Ryu & Ken on ST. Plays Ryu, Ken, and Sagat on CvS2. He’s okay. His best games is probably MvC2 however. He plays Dr. Doom, Venom, and Ironman(or War Machine.) He does okay, but he still gets schooled by my Megaman…well…all of my characters. He’s not equal to me on any of the games, and honestly, he’s not even close at all. It’s okay though. At least he likes the games.
I started fighting games with Super SF II and moved to KOF 95, samurai spirits and Art Of Fighting 2…
I play Guilty Gear and Melty Blood now.
I tried to teach ALL of those games to friends, but NEVER succeded.
I used to play with 2 other friends (regularly) and many other guys always wanted to join us as we seemed to have so much fun…
So we did try to teach them stuff… but they never listened to us, they just kept mashing the buttons while rocking 360s with the sticks (and sweating their asses off!) and off course they never won a single round against us…
so they got bored, gave up and returned to the world they belong to: FPS and RTS on their super-PCs!
…and they said: “I prefer Counter Strick and Warcraft as it is waaaAAAAaaay more technical than your crappy looking 2D shit!”
So I told them to fuck off, and we are not friends anymore… (that part is actually not true, but almost!)
rule of thumb. don’t play runaway or traps against new players in MVC2. some of my friends almost quit when I showed them that storm can super jump AD up ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha LS x3 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha all day.
I find that you can learn a game together, but if you have to teach someone something then chances are they either don’t really have the passion to get better on their own, or they’re not smart enough to figure all that shit out by themselves.
I’ve never met a high level player who wasn’t self taught for the most part.
Amen…you win…if you have to teach them then its one of those two things…because if they really wanted to learn it bad enough then they would…(but then again I think these Strategy Guides are “Street Fighter for Dummies” as a whole…I almost NEVER resort to strategy guides and never do for fighting games…
I taught my roommate Tekken after he moved in. He is a pretty average player but he plays it a lot. He wants to learn SF but has a hard time grasping the fundamentals. Working on that as well.
My good pal, Kumiho, taught me Guilty Gear, more or less. Granted, he didn’t teach me Street Fighter, but he did teach me how to play a deep fighting game.