"Hands" - it's about hands

Thanks, added to op

This just makes it even harder, it’s much slower this way.

That’s unfortunate. :confused: Though the issue seems to be that you’re trying to do mp to lp too fast


I press mk hp mp, then move my the same 3 fingers over to hp mp lp

Works wonders for me as i was inconsistant with the other ways posted in the thread.

This feels so much easier to do, I’m getting it consistently now, thanks a lot.

Try my method a few posts up. Doesnt include changing button mapping etc. It’s really easy if you can double tap. I never get EX out using this method

It doesn’t matter, his method is working just fine and configuring buttons is easy as hell now in Ultra.

Most Decapre players don’t use it, and refuse. Then there’s that Turbo user that beat Kiryu, and gets praised for being skilled… Kappa

Jebop i hope you’re not that dumb. Fuck kappa os

Haneyama is legit now gtfo

Kappa OS too strong.

Thanks for that info. This has been the most consistent method for me thus far with 2x LP instead of mashing LP.

i was watching the inputs from those haneyama vids in the video thread, and it looks like that guy just presses jab x 5 for hands o.0 how crazy is that?

I’ve been able to do mkxhands pretty consistently but doing mk+lp-hp-mp-lp-lp, I use index on lp thumb on mk then piano hp-mp-lp and hit lp again really fast. This way no wrong inputs can happen and I don’t end up doing mp or hp hands on accident.

He usually does cr.MK + LP > MP~HP > then mash LP a lot of times

i am pretty good @ HHS from playing nothing but honda for a few years

the way I piano is LP MP LP MP HP. that is, if you want hard hands (little more damage off a confirm)
seems like most people want LP hands because its safe on block.
if you want MP to HP Hands i use MP LP MP LP HP. that is my “drum way” many people have told me its very easy for them.

im not sure why this is, but with decapre it seems possible although very difficult to do something like cr LK, cr LP xx Hands. i have got it to work with cr LP, cr LP xx hands though so it does work its just the timing is very strange and i cant understand why. i can input hands really fast, it doesn’t seem to be any issue with the speed of the hands.

im sure LP is special cancellable because i cancel to stinger a lot. its a very easy combo with honda but its really hard for decapre and sometimes i want to go hands so i can confirm into super. i will experiment with cr LK, cr LP, cr MP xx RD when i get home to see if its any easier.

hoping someone can shine some light on this

I can’t cancel cr.LK into LP Dagger the way I do with Blanka, just mashing cr.LK+LP, it never comes out.

Wich is a nice thing, sometimes playing online with Blanka I get LP Elec when I’m desperately mashing crouh tech… lol

That is not really that difficult to do but it’s not sustainable for long periods of time

Honda user since 08, I tried hands lp, hp, mp lp, hp but get nothing unless I get a jump in with hp. Not sure if I’m doing the hands to fast, but nothing comes out.

cr.lp, cr.lp xx hands has to be a link, from my testing its not like cr.lk, cr.lk xx legs from chun

LK, LP hands is a link with honda too, i dont see why it wont work. i have gotten LP, LP hands to work with decapre tho.

i am having a similar problem my hands dont normally come out unless its off a jump in for some reason. in training i have done it from cr Jab, mk, mp etc. can do every way possible its just for some reason in mid combo it never wantsto come out