ID just like to go ahead and post for the first time in like a year.
Vince - honestly, you probably did say those things, because you are the embodiment of salt. stop complaining about the god damn games, its not the games, its you. You have been playing this shit for like 10 years. much like most NEW players, you gameplans and style is simply youtube videos.
I AM taking a swing at you because out of everyone ive met from this community you are quite possibly the worst for improvement.
so what, you lost to fucking Dan, and gief. I watched your balrog lose to a 11 year olds gief in tournament at powns, because you swept lariat multiple times after i even said, “dont cause your head hitbox is raised”, and you got bodied. ( mosh tournament FTW)
you dont like the games? stop talking salty shit about them and go play something else.( im sure you can pull an arturo and pick up mk for 8 bucks, and start placing in tournies again)
I might just play casually now at home, and not give a huge shit about our local scene ( this is th efirst time reading srk since christmas probably)
but I have at least played you enough to know over the past 2-3 years or however long its been, that your game is at an insanely poor level for the amount of practice you have put in to these three renditions of SF4.
yeah im shit, so what. Ive at least taken your money multiple times, even when you chaunced me at your house and tossed out bus fair change to pay me my 10$.
so what you lost. take it on the chin, why not try talking to your opponent and see what he was thinking after instead of just pissing on the games that you know your never going to stop playing anyways.
drop the drama queen attitude and stop being a youtube combo whore.
<3 your rebuttal is awaited, GGPO
HI everyone! (fucking scrubs)
oh ya… fuck you brandon. stop trolling my lobbies ghahaa u too good now. good job! see you at SB. prepare for UDK2 ( ultimate drunk kyle 2)