Hakan + Combos = Hakanbos!

The only advice I can give on that is to try and learn the EXACT timing of the hits. It takes forever but due to that work I can now do it 60-70% of the time so I’d say it was worth it.

I’m at work so I can’t try this yet but do the links and specials still worked when un-oiled?

I think the only one that required them was the c.lk’s

That’s HUGE! Good find man

Any advice for landing the combo in trials that is LP, LK, LP, F+LK? I cleared all the other ones without too much difficulty but can’t finish this one :frowning:

Hakan is fun so far, awesome work on the combo list here so far everyone!

Make sure your oiled up. After that it should be too bad, just keep going thru the motion and it should hit pretty quick.

FA crumple level 3 ex spd whiff f+rh and do a lk oil dive = 450 damage if mastered the unblockable oil dive

the timing is different for some characters’ wake stand such as hakan’s, u have to delay a little bit after the forward kick before inputting a lk oil dive

pretty much nothing can stop the followup oil dive not even reversals from what i have gathered…

although there is a funny thing about doing the unblockable setup…u can actually jump out of it but only if it is an actual setup…if u do it just a lil bit later than usual it will grab their jump but can be hit out of it and reversaled…very strange

quick question… c.mk xx super. Have any of you guys tried this out? It worked when i did it in training mode, but whiffed when i tried it in game today. I’m curious if its just one of those things where training mode fools you into thinking its possible, or if its actually viable.

Did you set the dummy on crouch? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so much a wonder that the dummy ate the Super. Hakan can super-cancel easily but without much success outside of poking standing opponents with f.MP.


You can link and crisco a lvl 1 FA after a lvl 2/3 FA crumple for either a combo (ex: Oiled: Lvl 3 FA crumple, Lvl 1 FA, crisco towardstrong, slide 311dmg 380 stun) or possible mixup shenanigans without the use of meter.

yea i realize that they have to be standing… my opponent in game online was standing too… but it whiffed after the c.mk, why i was thinking it was something else. Soooo i’m guessing it won’t be as useful as i thought… lol. I was thinking more after like a missed srk or something like that.

If it whiffed and they were standing you did it too fast. Simple as that. Just hold down super a tad longer.

hey i’m not sure if you guys have noticed this or not, but just to give a heads up i found out that when you focus crumple someone and then dash Ultra 2 the crumpled opponent will fall into hakan’s grab thus triggering the U2 without the opponent landing on you. so maybe with this, someone who’s been in the lab with hakan might get some clever idea of how to set up and exploit this further.

Newager… that’s one of his trials, dude, and something you should’ve learned day 1… unless I’m missing something. It’s also covered here.

the trial wanted you to do 2 focuses the 2nd one knocks the opponent off from the ground which is why I assumed the U2 would work. However i am referring to only 1 fully charged focus then dash connects to U2. But yes I can see that it is posted on the other thread now. thanks

Oh, then they must be in hit stun still I’m sure. The only setup for Super I know of is f.MP (must his standing opponents) xx Super. but from PuFF’s post, I guess there is a c.MK xx Super that works but just has to be delayed? I’m not sure, I’ll try for myself later.

Can’t you just do a just do a crouching normal on wakeup to avoid the dive? Like Cammy’s?

no it grabs em grabs srks messiah kick ex sk guys ex tatsu whatever if done at the 1 frame of standing but if u screw it up a lil then all of the aforementioned moves plus simply crouching will beat it, it however beats jump backs and neutral jump if it is done late

it becomes a mixup if u master it sinc ethe opponent can only jump up to avoid it, thats when u start delaying it


Nod, this has been known for a while now. Thats what I do all the time and I believe UltraDavid said you have time to quick oil and then u2 before they crumple all the way.
I havent tried that part out yet.