In America being a virgin is considered a bad thing. When you grow up hearing this shit from everyone and everything it starts to make you feel like somethings wrong with you if you’re still a virgin.
Social media and forums fucking up the soft kids of today.
First a girl blows her head off with a shotty because she was made fun of and chastised on the internet for being in a porno, now this kid goes nuts because people were making fun of him for being a creep. Cotdamn.
Damn, the black dude made a video going on the dude for 45 minutes straight?! Lol. What were they arguing about that made him feel that was necessary?
Guys need to stop putting women on such a pedestal. Has anyone ever heard of a woman going on a rampage, killing 6 people in the process, and then herself all because she couldn’t get dick?
Ask married men if the sex they get is worth all of the other annoyances they have to deal with.
I get that the guy had mental problems anyway but still, this pussy-worshipping mentality did him no favours.
The guy was an imbecile. How can you constantly call yourself handsome, goodlooking and having rants about how perfect you are and still be so insecure about yourself?
This teenager had a Bimmer. A Fucking bimmer. I know i don’t need a BMW to get me some pussy but if i did i would probably drown in the lakes of pussy lakes of minnatonka.
He also had a good finance situation going for him, parents were whealthy he could afford designer clothing and decent upkeep off his own looks.
He also looked very average. And i mean it in a good way. Looking neutral like that with some right clothes and some good excercise and confidence goes a long way.
How the hell do you blame other people for your failure to acquire something simple as intercourse?
Mentally put his ass so high on a pedastal that he could not reach for others.