imstilldadaddy vs. ChrisTatarian via Olympic Gaming
A K A III N U vs Nas-sim69700 (Vega) from Olympic Gaming
This match is great!
Anyone willing to go through a Ranked game I did a few days ago and give advice?
Outside me using EX Flash Kick on wake up less Im trying to think of other tips to use against Karin or as Guile in general
anyone have any advice?
Karin’s tough, but here are some things I noted during those matches:
Overall, I don’t think you were active enough. A lot of time spent at Guile’s ideal zoning range and no buttons or projectiles.
A good Karin will never Ressenha against a good Guile - from full range you can use either VS or s.lp/ to bait a Ressenha and then either block+punish or fk to beat it clean. Once you start punishing Ressenha, you can boom for pressure. h.boom is an excellent tool at range to check a Karin who likes Ressenha - it takes her 14f before she gets projectile invulnerability. In short, you can zone Karin, but you need to learn how to bait responses by using VS or buttons. Basically, I start the match with a few booms - if the Karin starts to try the hp.ressenha stuff, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the match in the bag just by baiting that shit out.
A couple of times you nailed a s.lp, c.lp, but didn’t do anything after it - if you don’t have charge, a or b.hp works well as a fullstop to any hit or block string you manage to land.
At one point you jumped in with, s.hp (blocked). That’s real bad - if you don’t think you’re going to hit, s.hp is not a good option.
In general you used s.hp and f.hp incorrectly - apart from the jump-in, you used s.hp and f.hp on wakeup. No. Don’t do this. Use a boom if you’re at range or when you’re close.
You didn’t really use any mid-string checks like c.lp and your conversions off connected c.lp wasn’t there. The aim is that if you land a c.lp, you should be able to convert it into an fk or boom. is a bad button unless you know exactly why you’re pressing it.
I like to spend a bit more time in :db: than you do so that I can fk like a madman and the variety of buttons you used in neutral was pretty lean. No bazooka knee, sobat,, limited and, etc.
Maximize your combos. Guile already suffers from below avg damage output so you must be able to capitalize when given the opportunity. These four combos weren’t optimized and should be easy confirms:
a) j.LK, c.LP, c.LP, FK
b) f.HP (CC), dash, s.HP, c.MP, FK
c) s.HP (CC), df.HK, FK
d) j.HK, c.MP, FK -
In neutral you use jump ins to cover space when the opponent starts retreating way too often. Better players will adapt and start to punish this as was the case with your opponent in games 2 and 3. Strengthen your neutral game and how to control space with normals while looking for opportunities to counterattack/punish.
Too often you rely on unsafe pokes. Your most used one is c.MK which is -4 on block and easily punished by LP/LK, and many more if you try to use it in a block string. It should be a max range poke or part of the target combo overhead (c.MK, f.MP) and should be reserved for following behind a SB. I’m guilty of this too, it’s a hard habit to quit. c.MP, c.LP, s.LP, b.HP, and for max range f.HP and b.HK
Following a SB with an empty jump-in will confuse opponents and allow you to start a c.LK, s.MP, f.HP target combo which is easy to confirm (be careful, c.LK, s.MP is -4 on block and f.HP whiffs if the opponent wasn’t standing)
Use more normals in neutral to fill space and distract opponents while unleashing more SB. Also perfecting your SB/FK zoning can increase SB ability since they usually become more reluctant to jump in.
Use c.HP more as an anti air
Learn more block strings
Throw more
Learn to utilize okizeme setups: late neutral jump, throws, and meaties were largely absent from your strategy
Thank you guys.
LP LP FK is something ive been working on getting down. Against Karins for some reason I tense up, maybe cause I dont know the matchup well enough.
I’ll definitely take up all this advice to heart.
imstilldadaddy vs. H-2-3-7 (Cammy) via Olympic Gaming
10:43 mark.
Wong 30 hit Guile combo.
I gleaned more from the Sabin match than that one. JW was employing a similar strategy to ChrisG, staying mobile (i.e. walking backwards a lot) and not keeping a FK charge. His spamming of b.HK against Sim to create white damage made his SBs that much more potent while not creating a need to get inside as much to find opportunities for big punishes.
doyanbo vs. YB_kenjiro (Zangief)
[quote=“syngin, post:35, topic:179626”]
Doyanbo vs. Ahjubii (Nash)
[/quote]Lol watching his guile matches and thought wow, a guile who plays old school. I only saw him pop v trigger once…
Then he does the full loop combo to super!
He loves his VT combos. He VR’s only when absolutely necessary.