Guile thread

I didn’t say pianoing was impractical. I said piaoning 2 punches + 2 kicks was impractical because of the button locations. In order to press each button consecutively, you must temporarily modify your natural hand position which is dangerous in such a fast paced game. But as eltrouble said, whatever works for you. Just be sure it’s actually working.

Why is there a black version of Guile? Does anyone know the origin story? Is it like how there were gonna be two Fei Long’s, but then Steve Godard made Deejay with Guiles moves so thats why theres a black Guile?

The story is Goddard designed him as a melee character. They ended up giving him a projectile, most likely for balance, but I think it makes some sense since all other new challengers would be melee characters, too.

Anyway, there’s a mulatto Guile since SSF2.

i need some help, currently learning guile in super turbo on fightcade. How do i deal with ryu doing lk tatsu outside of my cr mk range? For ex. they would do lk tatsu, then sweep cancelled into fireball. They are at a range where they can block a flashkick in time if I go for it when i see tatsu. Looking for something to knock them out of the tatsu or some kinda punish plz help lol thanks

Also, can I anti air early jump rh or fierce without flashkick? seems impossible

You can flash kick the LK tatsu if you have charge and good reactions, but that’s probably a bit difficult online. If they land right in front of you, the most common punish is cr.LP or cr.MP. Anything that hits mid is able to punish tatsu on recovery. I would not use low attacks to punish, as they can block when they land, and they can uppercut it if they catch onto what you’re doing.

If you’re good with your spacing and timing, you can also use Guile’s backfist (forward + HP). It does an exceptional job at punish LK tatsu, but might start trading if they use HK tatsu and your timing is off.

As far as anti-airs, you have a lot of them. The most classic Guile anti-air is a late cr.HP to punish jump ins. The timing is REALLY late, almost to the point where they’re about to hit you with a jump attack while you’re crouching, but it’s one of his most essential anti-airs. It will most likely trade, but it trades in your favor, and gives you breathing space, so you have to be comfortable with the idea of trading hits to maintain your spacing.

Other anti-airs are st.MP (you can do it while holding back), but has to be done early. You can also use j.HK, j.HP, neutral jump HK and HP, at a far distance you can use low attacks to anti-air like cr.MK and cr.HK. Backfist can be used as an anti-air at far distances, you can whiff a cr.strong and throw them as they land (matchup specific), etc…

One of the great parts of ST is the amount of anti-airs you can use at a variety of ranges and timing, so feel free to experiment with them!

Thanks a million for the reply. Also, if this is you, great games at EVO! Nice the tatsu punishing definitely helped even if i get them to block some cr jabs its worth it. As for anti airs i am getting really familiar with them but its the early jumpins. looks like they wouldnt be able to combo with anything but its not good for me if they make me block a jump. I will try to set a training dummy up and experiment. Once again thanks for the reply! Also if anyone comes across any footage of a lk tatsu being punished outside of flashkick please post for me :slight_smile:

It is indeed me at Evo. Good games to you too!

cr.jabs aren’t much damage, but if you spam it right, it’ll punish the tatsu. It ain’t much, but damage is damage, and more importantly you get them away from you.

Blocking jumps is generally a bad thing for Guile, since now you get put into a mixup situation. Even if they don’t land the hit or get a combo, they’re not free to walk up and throw you, or go low, or push you into the corner, which are generally bad things for Guile. Learning how to stand your ground and maintain your zoning pattern is a pretty important skill for Guile players to learn early on, and it’s a big part of his defensive game.

I can’t recall footage of LK tatsu being punished by a flashkick, but I know for a fact that I’ve done it. It’s not commonly seen, since flash kick has limited range, and not many Ryus just random LK tatsu when Guile has a down charge, so it’s rare to see. Keep in mind that Guile’s MK flash kick does a better job hitting higher up attacks than the LK flash.

I hope Guile appears in Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS!