Hey guys, I read like half of this thread a few hours ago and then I went to play a bit and try some stuff (I never played Guile before and charge characters in general, but now I got a stick and they all seem much easier).
First of all the b, df, ub+K method for Guile’s super works like a charm, thanks a lot.
I managed to do the cr lk x2 xx super and it’s not that hard to pull off. I have more trouble in doing cr mp xx super but does that make sense? I do like db, df+mp, ub+k and 9 out of 10 times I get a sonic boom.
The second question would sound stupid because i didn’t start from the basics but how can you do consecutive sonic booms? In SRK wiki it says that you should kara cancel certain moves so that you decrease their recovery time.
Is this what most people do?
I also can’t do that many SBs when pressing opponents with Cr. LPs, Cr MKs etc.
Finally I don’t know what im doing wrong but cr lk, st lk, flash kick came out like 1 time out of 10. Probably im doing something wrong and im losing the charge…
I just hold db and press lk, then go neutral and press lk again and immediately after i press u+lk but nothing comes out.
So… what could I be doing wrong?
Will a j. short/j. jab, c. jab, jab sonic boom give me a good tick throw? I’ve tried it out in training and it seems to work well (especially with the opponent cornered), but is it too obvious that I’m gonna follow up the sonic boom with a throw? I could always mix it up with a c. forward or an upsidedown kick [which will be an overhead in hd remix ] or maybe a backfist. You’re thoughts on this?
edit: Just thought of another question: is it possible to keep your back charge while crossing up you’re opponent? I know the person defending the cross up can keep their charge by switching joystick posistions as soon as their opponent’s directly overhead. I’ve been trying to do this as soon as a land but I always lose my charge.
O_O In that case I’m changing my main to Guile in HD Remix (always thought close st.RH should be an overhead anyways, hell it’s over their head jk). As far as them expecting a throw after the chain + special, they won’t until you do it more than once in a round/match depending on how many you’ve already played. Definitely mix up your style (when possible) as much as possible. I never want my opponent to have any idea of what’s coming next (why it’s always good to throw out safe pokes at all times). Yes, just switch the direction you’re charging as soon as you cross the “mirror” (same way you execute supers and specials when crossed). It just takes practice and getting to know that exact vertical line over your opp., best way I can explain to do it
edit: This is going to reveal my status as a noob , but what are safe pokes? My understanding was quick recovery, high priority moves you could use on an advancing opponent to keep them back. I’ve seen alot of players (guile players in particular) seem to randomly throw in jabs and such for apparently no reason. Are they hoping to keep their opponent at bay or hit him on the way in? I’ve noticed alot of good guile players (muteki and kurahashi) ussually jab a few times between sonic booms. Is this to get their timing down?
I don’t know if there’s another reason, but as Honda against Guiles like that, it makes it a lot harder for me to know when to expect a sonic boom. I’m concentrating on Guile’s sprite, ready to jump at the moment he throws a boom, and when I see a quick jab I tend to mistake it for the startup of a sonic boom and I jump to my doom.
Against a Guile who doesn’t randomly jab like that, I can just reaction jump or buttslam at the moment I see any movement from Guile, because 99% of the time it’ll mean a sonic boom.
I think your just misunderstanding a few basic principles. The best way to win matches IMO is with mind games (assuming your execution is perfect, and you have a solid defense->offense (game plan)). Safe pokes are any moves you can execute that your opp. cannot counter (example: cr.foward for guile is NOT a safe poke against gief b/c he can counter with cr.RH). The poke doesn’t necessarily have to make contact with the opp. (I should have used a better term than safe poke) but only throw out pokes that cannot be countered/will leave you vulnerable. The idea is that if you’re constantly throwing out moves (at what seems like random to your opp.) they will have less choices in attacking you; a lot of people will get “scared/nervous” because they have absolutely no idea what to expect. Many players depend on patterns and general game plan strategies (Note: if you don’t have a game plan to begin with you’re more than likely going to lose the match; being random only comes with knowing your overall game plan) to win, but forget the mind games. As far as what individuals do I couldn’t tell you the reason, however, I can tell you that Muteki and Kurahashi don’t use the jab’s to keep the timing down (once it’s in your head it’s stuck there IMO); I assume there just keeping safe attacks going.
Like others mentioned, the constant stream of motion from your opponent makes it harder to react to a “real” move.
If you’re doing any move and your opponent tries to walk backwards they’ll block instead of walking backwards. So, at mid range this can sometimes be useful to keep your opponent locked into place.
At closer range, throwing out quick high-priority moves acts as a make-shift shield. If the do something unexpected quickly your move is likely to beat, or at least trade with it. For example, against Blanka or E.Honda spamming jabs will stop their ball/torpedo attacks. Less obviously, moves like this can stop far pokes or jump-ins.
I forget which characters, but one or two of characters in ST have a better recovery from their fast fireball if you cancel it from a jab.
Thanks for the responses guys. You really helped clear some things up.
Edit: What do you guys think about this wakeup at 1:07
It looks like a good way to make them block 2 sb. If he had used a jab sonic boom for the second one, he might have been in a good posistion to either tick throw him or hit with something like a sobat
5-B. It makes it look like you know what you’re doing.
It holds YOU still while charging back (not back down). You charge without losing ground. This applies to most charge characters.
Timing. When I am tossing out continual sonic booms, timing with jabs in between can sometimes aid my muscle memory. It comes in handy when I want to toss the next SB with as close to the minimum charge time as possible.
Ok, I know Guile vs Ryu was “done” earlier in this thread, but I wanted to rehash it. The general concensus was that Guile must tutrle and ryu has to try to get in. Up close, Guile can safely throw sonic booms and backfist if Ryu counters with a fireball. Guile must watch out for the hurricane kick though.
What I’m wondering is why would Ryu put himself in a situation like this? Ryu’s not going to lose a fireball war to Guile fullscreen, so why does he need to go in and attack, especially when it’s such a b*tch for Guile to try to get in on Ryu? Wouldn’t Ryu fare better if he made Guile come to him?
The thing is, Guile does pretty much win a fireball fight with Ryu from full screen. Basically because when theyre spamming fireballs, in principle Guile should never get hit… you can’t keep up with the fireballs outright, but when one too many comes your way, you jump back over it if you see its a fast one, and short flashkick/jump straight up over it if you see its a slow one. Assuming you don’t screw this up, you can just keep matching fireballs and dodging the odd one forever. Ryu however, risks getting hit by a jump roundhouse to the face every time he throws a fireball. So he can’t win this way.
Of course depending on what exactly Ryu does it will get more complicated, but this is the general point.
*the fact that Ryu eventually gets a super also complicates things, but still, that has no effect on full screen fireball wars.