When I try to combo a cross-up LK into a cr. MP, it just doesn’t seem to combo. Any help? I can only get it to combo maybe 10% of the time.
your short is probably making contact too high, try to time it/space it so your short hits lower on your opponent.
Not really much you can do but, try to anticipate a head stomp then counter with a air throw. If it lands and they cross you over with the flip you have two option try to attack and hit first or double hit and, or just block. 3 if they head stomp and jump away you can follow up woth a SB but, careful because they could be charging a second head stomp.
Yeah, thats what I figured =/ Thanks
Someones got to help me with honda and chun, worst matchups for me yet. Against chun, my c.mk gets stuffed, and c.fp doesn’t seem to even trade with her jumps and I get thrown like crazy. She even has a fb :shake:. Every damn attack seems to end with her lightning kick shit right in my face, so even if I was blocking I can’t even throw a sonic boom without touching a leg. Should I just rh flash kick through it or something? Wait for her to stop and then go from there? I get some kind of opening vibe from that like I need to do something.
Similar situation with honda. I mean the amount of chip damage I take from honda because of the hand slaps is insane. Biggest problem with honda is if I get tripped I’m fucked. His meaties along with the crossups involving his fat ass is killing me here. I can’t even do shit to him once he hits the ground because I get 360’d. Is this match supposed to be a keepaway fest for guile? I can’t even do that right.
Anyone have any insight on these two matchups?
against honda, you have to keep away. if you’re worried about getting tick’d, his knee hop can be used against a tick throw to escape it… but watch out because it does put you back in distance to be tick’d anyway.
remember that no matter which side you’re on, down is down… if he does the ass splash crossup, lk flash kick immediately… don’t do hk… if you wait to long, try to block it… it will win as long as you get it off around the peak of the attack.
thousand hands are like blanka’s electric… he’s too close, reversal throw. remember to always maintain that charge… sonic booms to keep away… if he does the ass splash to hop over it, walk up and trip… move back… that’s the basic stuff to help this fight.
Guile’s low forward has been raped since Super SF2, therefore chun’s low forward out prioritizes it, therefore you can’t turtle with the low forward like in CE or HF which sucks ass and his low forward is transparent at times and she will walk right threw it and she will start doing those annoying far standing strongs or fake it then walk up random super in your face…so be careful with it.
Against the lighting kick I would short kick flash kick it, but make sure to crouch block it before u do that…since it will push you back a little.
Against chun’s jump ins you need to use neutral standing forward kick, then follow it up immediately with a jump towards and short kick + c.jab+ sonic boom or if she gets hit by the jump in use flash kick instead. Also if you do a sonic boom and she decides to jump over it you could also use the knee bazooka to escape her jump ins. Use stand jab when she tries to cross up you on the other side.
It’s a pain in the ass match to win with this toned down guile to be honest, but its winnable if you keep the offense on her rather then being defensive, just don’t let her mobilize. Good way to be on the offense is throw a boom, follow it with a ducking short, then ducking forward kick+ sonic boom(when she absorbs it with a fireball back hand her or use the towards and sobat kick, then when she jumps use neutral standing forward kick. Also when you knock her down make sure to cross up with short + low strong + flash kick or if blocked use standing strong + boom after the low strong mix it up with throws.
Here is a video of muteki vs a chun li player and it shows how you should play against her. I hope this all helps you out bro, take care.
Nice link battosai.
Unfortunately though I think its really hard to learn how to fight Chun Li by watching Japanese match vids. Until you learn the anti airs for the match, you just sit there wondering why the Chun Li’s in the videos arent jumping, and you dont learn anything.
To beat Chun Li you have to have your anti airs down solid, and unfortunately against her, you need to use a variety of anti airs depending on the range. So you really have to be constantly aware of what range shes jumping from to know which anti air to choose.
Close standing forward if she jumps from fairly close to you.
Walk under standing close strong if shes even closer.
From other ranges Low fierce works reasonably well, and if it gets outrioritized, you can often have a flash kick charged to hit her when she lands (especially if she reaction jumped a sonic boom).
Theres sort of a sweet spot jump in range where far standing strong actually works well as an anti air… this is something Im currently learning. You can see Muteki do it once in the video Battosai posted.
From farther ranges, sobat kick (towards or back or neutral + forward kick) trades with her jump ins, you just have to choose whether to do it neutral or moving to hit her in the right way for the trade. From extra far ranges you can also make her land on a low foward.
Quicky jump towards fierce is also useful sometimes.
Before you are a master of these anti airs, dont even worry about anything else in the match, this stuff is too important.
Other than that:
-If you get a knockdown, Guile’s crossup is nicely ambiguous against Chun = free wins. If she does her flashkick move making you whiff, flashkick her to knock her back down.
-Sobat kick is better than low forward, as in many matchups.
-you can anticipate her super and nail her with a jump back roundhouse. If you guess wrong you’re fairly safe anyway.
-jab sonic booms are almost safe against her super, unless shes really close to you.
-Don’t worry so much about getting thrown. Just tech the throws… big deal you took a little damage. (tech the throws fairly safely by doing low strong… you can even mash it… then you arent at so much risk of eating low forward-> low rh or whatever)
Wait you mean I can reversal throw if he does the thousand hand? How close are we talking here because by the time I’m up I’m already in blockstun.
Thanks for that video, I can already see some situations muteki handles that will really save my ass. I’ll try to keep that combo in mind so I can at least try to get some pressure on her without feeling too defensive.
Man that’s a lot of shit for antiair. For crossing her up, is it me or is the range really different? I keep actually missing her when I go for a j short. Should I be attempting to do the move as a regular jump in and hope the ambiguousness crosses her up? lol
Thanks all of you guys for the quick responses.
within his throw range, whatever that might be. Im’ not sure, pixel-wise, but you just have to learn to judge, either block or hit f+hp as soon as you rise up. The same can be done with blanka’s electric. remember tho, thousand hand and lightening legs are able to be done at a greater distance than electric, so don’t expect to throw a knowing honda out of it.
basically what’s been said…
i have the hardest time crossing up chun. i have the hardest time trying to anti air chun. GODDDAMNNNNN
If you find that your crossup on chun is whiffing, try pressing the button a touch earlier, and doing the crossup a touch closser to the “original” side.
This may have been covered already and I apologize if it is. I really just started ST not to long ago and I have alot of trouble with good T Hawk players. The matches are always close but it seems alot of my stuff gets out prioritized during the match. Also Sonic Booms dont seem to be to safe to do.
Sick post as always Brian.
does dictator have more throw priority over guile cause i keep getting thrown out of crossup lk, lp or mpxxflashkick when playing on ggpo
I’m assuming you’re being thrown after the crossup lk but before the low lp/mp… this is because you’re mistiming the crossup. You need to time the crossup later (Guile needs to be closer to the ground when it hits) so that the low mp combos… if there’s a gap in between then you can be thrown.
Important note: there’s no such thing as one character having specific throw priority over another. Bison does have a greater throw range than guile’s which some people confuse as priority. I can elaborate on this if you like, but this does not pertain to your above problem.
Your joking right?
The Gule vs. Hawk match-up is nothing but an uphill fight for T-Hawk. SBs are safe to do IF you do them right and you really dont have that much to fear of your cr.forward getting DPed because of the angle of Hawks DP.
Just turtle your ass off, thats all you really need to do.
Give the guy a break, he said he’s just started the game…
So, I think my nemisis in ST is the following:
I knock down Rog, and want to do safe jump roundhouse, stand fierce, fierce sonic boom. It auto dizzies if it connects, and if its blocked it pushes Rog back significantly across the screen giving you lots of space.
It sounds trivial but for some reason I fail at this some ridiculous fraction of the time. The basic problem seems to be that the jump roundhouse has a lot of pushback, and if you don’t time things well, your stand fierce will whiff, or possibly even become far stand fierce instead of close stand fierce. Needless to say, when these things happen you are fucked.
Wolf, if you’re lurking, I have the impression you are way more consistent at this than me… do you have any trick to it, or is it just automatic and I suck? :sad:
PS, Rog’s standing sprite is set farther back than his ducking sprite which is what makes crossing him up inconsistent… I wonder if this could also be screwing me up on the above combo?