Guile precharge boom cr mp loop combo

This is the type of thing that I expected to have as a trial. Can someone post up the actual buttons I need to press to perform this loop? I’m at the point where Im using all his buttons and have a good grasp of his footsies, now I’m trying to maximize the damage.

Easiest way to practice the VT part of it: change VT timer to infinite.

f.dash s.hp xx mp.boom xx mp.boom lp.break (repeat)

Edit: keep in mind that you’re at +10f after the regular booms hit and is a 6f normal, so you don’t have to try and go nuts getting perfect link timing between the two cancels.

Ah, I was only doing one boom into mini boom, that’s why the dash up never worked. It’s on now

Landing this loop in a match must be so darn satisfying!

How would a noob practice this charge character is new to me

For some reason, I have better luck delaying the sb than i do delaying the cr. mp. It does feel really really unnatural though, i must admit.

How are you other guys doing it?

Just go to training bro, and get used to holding down back after throwing a boom, after jumping, after flash kicking etc. Before you know it, it’ll become second nature

good stuff wikum

i finally got this in a match the other day. that scaling as you want them to die though :frowning: lol