justin wong really doesn’t use magnetos infinites.
Soo, a quick question, when I see you use Jab rushdown with Storm are you normal jumping or superjumping to triangle jump? Superjump I can do, but normal jumping, I have to be mainlining some crystal meth to get that shit. And when you do quick RH triangle jumps with Mag, you finger sliding for that too?
FINGER SLIDING OWNS…But only when you’re the one doing it.
Let me start this post by saying, thank you for your continuing support. Most people turn they backs on you. But you always been consistant with the compliments. When I’m high, I get emotional. Haha. I do nothing but normal jump rushdown for Storm. So yes, I normal jump, jab. Nah, I finger only slides for the infinite. Every once in a while, when I’m on a role roll, I’ll slide it with style. Only like Soo can.
hey soo, other than being more psychic, what advice do you have against assists like:
psylocke/cyc/cable [ b]
capt. com [ b ]
blackheart [ b ]
ironman [ b ]
sent [ g ]
Hey Soo i havent seen any recent vids of u vs a strider/doom team can u explain things U would do vs this team and do u play MVC2 when ur high???:wasted: :lol:
Soo, which AAA gives you the most probs with sent? sent/IM, sent/cyke, or sent/capcom? They are all tough for me but I feel like sent/cyke and sent/im give me the most problems cuz when i get a rare chance to get in the air before sentinel and drop in or rush down at him he calls the AAA just before i land and IM and cykes AAA’s both set up combos, whereas cpacom’s just knocks me away. Ideas for rushing sent/cyke and sent/IM?
Lets say that I substitute Psylocke out for Cyclops. I’m not a Psylocke fan. I guess it’s because of the better area coverage. Too bad it doesnt KD like Psylocke does.
1] What infinites are easiest ignited and continued off the Cyclops infinite?
2] What snap out tactics can be utilized with this assist should I get them both?
Although I can easily beat Magneto in general, it wouldn’t hurt to expand my arsenal with him a little more. [All I do is extended AC and T-Jumps with him]. Most people can be given problems by Magneto when he’s played smartly still, so I think I’ll expand him a little.
I thank you for your response.
Umm… Got any strategies and tite combos with Magneto/Storm/Spiral Ground Assist?
Oh and wut do u think of Magneto/Storm/Doom?
yo Soo i thank you fr helping us newb’s and pros sencierly
anyways how i should rush down with storm? what pokes i should do with her? does she has any jump cancelable move to tri-jump? what should i go for when rushing down with her ?
can you tell me a simple but VERY damaging combo with her?
and finally how many reps. should i do of her tri-jump hk infinite?
i’ll realy apreciate this since all i do with storm is runaway and in MSP i wanna change my ways withher since my mag’s fine
thanx in advance:D
It would be my opinion that Soo would advocate lots and lots of use of normal triangle jump Short with Storm. Her Jab and Short (either standing or jumping) have massive priority and shouldn’t be overlooked. Don’t go triangle jumping all the time though, keep it within the range of j.Short (good overhead and fast as well). I wouldn’t really suggest doing the RH infinite unless you’re really good at it, but, if you have a chance to do it, do it, 8 hits is like 50% on Cable.
Soo: I got a question. What’s an impatient Magneto player to do against storm(or cable)/sent/commando and cable/storm/doom. I always get my ass blasted by commando when playing storm(or cable)/sent/commando. And what do i do against a on-point cable with doom’s antiair assist? Its just too hard to get in with out being hit by either rocks,gernades,or viper beam. When i play magnus i am not very patient, i always have to be moving or tri-jumping with magnus.
sorry for this question, but i dont get resets, are they just a particular combo done over and over again? but isnt that an infinite? ah, again sorry if this is a crappy question, oh yeah and also , say someone uses IM for his aaa and has sent out as main char. , would it be safe if i predicted he would call IM out? so before i dash to him i call out storms proj. assist, or would that be endangering her because sents out?
The whole point for resets is to reset the combo meter, thus resetting the damage, therefore making a series of small combos create HUGE damage on somebody. It’s to mess somebody up so they don’t know what’s happening and they’re dead and they start panicing and that’s when you win!
does the whole thing count as one huge ass combo? or is it just confusing the opponent and thus getting the same combo on him?
any chance u could give me a beginner reset to try?
the meter would reset after x amount of hits.
w/ magnus & psylocke AAA
d. fierce launch, sj. RH, dash df short, short ( 4 hits ), quickly dash to the other side after landing ( combo meter resets ), short, short + psylocke ( 4 hits )
so after the second time where psylocke hits i just go back to the beginning part?
you can be creative after that part if you know how to OTG players and stuff like that, from there a lot of people like to go to a c. short, c. RH OTG, hypergrab, ( you can fill in this spot and beyond )
yo soo i wonder if you could tell me how to do the c.lk, c.hk xx tempest i try and try and olny get it like 1/20 of the time and i wondered if you had a method to do this and do you use runaway with storm?
Props to Soo for the Q&A session.
So at about three character lengths away (just close enough to telegraph a tri-jump or dash in) I’m pretty clueless, and I get wrecked pretty often by an AA or whatnot. With Sent’s drones as backup, what are some decent options at that range? Thanks in advance.
Hey soo i have question. when playing against team Jesus, which assist should i use with mags to counter dooms aaa. Cuz those stupid rocks always hit my psylocke