Yeah, I’m sad, I thought you told me you already booked the hotel room, cause I asked you before the deadline. But whatever. . .

One room sigh.

1 room

reason: save money for evo final

I got the finalized rate from our motel (I didn’t account for tax in my estimate):

It’ll cost each of us $45 USD for the weekend. We couldn’t get a room in the venue hotel because they were booked but our motel is 3 minutes from the venue by car so it all works out.

Well great news!
K2 isn’t going anymore cuz of “serious family problems” and Pui doesn’t want to go cuz K@ isn’t going. :confused: yeah :confused:
Its just great! Its fucking amazing really. The only real reason why I’m going to evo east just got flushed down the fucking toilet. I had this voice in the back of my head telling me this shit was gonna happen and guess what? boom. I’m gonna waste all this fucking money to play fucking 3rd Strike…WOW

Theres gonna be 2 extra spots, I suggest the ppl that really wanted to come contact nagata asap.

P.S.S Actually, if a 3rd wants to take my spot then go right ahead. Fuck this shit.

What a day


im really really really sorry

wow u might have to take the lord afterall:rofl:

theres a FAT chance of that happening.

One spot is already filled and the other is pending on Wednesday.

Don’t you realize nobody wants to take him? Or so it seems. . .

looks like JS Master might haf to come out to own rep T.O after all

has anyone talked to ryan aswell because he relaly wanted to come to

no i dont think everyone hasnt never made it clear enough they dont want adil coming to ecc, or was it THAT obvious

So are both spots filled yet?

Since Dice is lending me some money I was willing to go, with my decision pending this weekend but it doesn’t seem like there’s any spots left.

we dont want you to come anyways

Wow. Thats cold as ice.

Nazir; there’s a spot left. I thought Ryan would have contacted me by now for the spot I put aside for him but he hasn’t done so. If you want the spot and you’re 100% then you’re welcome to it.

Bryan; don’t be a dick. Stephen needs Guilty Gear partners after getting shafted.

i just dont see why he would wanna come with the “fat guys”

:confused: What are you talking about? :confused:

im suprised your not up to date on srk