fixed it…Thanks:)
There will be no tourney since no one is showing interest.
I’m down for a tourny…Everybody else post!!!
Wanted to give the heads up:
In association with Electric Cancel and VGONetwork…
SD TEKKEN is proud to present… after over 150 Tekken 4 tournaments in America’s finest city…the final… the final last… Tekken 4 tournament in San Diego O_O!? …
So all you washups… Final Fantasy XI whores… ppl that fell off the face of the planet after the last big tournament… come back!!! It’s time for…
ECSD: Final Last O_O!?
(ALL information is tentative, the date is official… I can still change any rules or add/remove things as needed, but I need YOUR feedback!)
- EVO2003 and EC5 Champion for Tekken Tag Tournament, Kim Bong Min of Daegu, S. Korea will be entering, this is your last chance to play him before he leaves for home!
- The best in Cali for TTT and T4 will be in attendance!
- Potluck and Live Music at the venue!(tentative)
Money Matches/Practice Play @ SD FIGHTCLUB:
Friday, April 16th, 2004, 7 p.m. - midnight.
$6 to play.
Saturday, April 17th, 2004
Sign-Ups begin at noon.
Tournaments start at 3:00 p.m.
Tekken Tag Tournament and MvC2 = 3 p.m.
Tekken 4 = 4 p.m.
4893 Voltaire St.
San Diego(Ocean Beach), CA 92107
Tekken 4
Tekken Tag Tournament
Marvel vs Capcom 2
and if there is demand Capcom vs SNK 2
- $7 registration fee(for venue)
- $10 per tournament
Tekken 4:
- To be played on the PS2 console
- 2/3 matches; 3/5 rounds until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches
- Random stage or agree on stage
- Players flip a coin for side/order disputes
Tekken Tag Tournament:
- To be played on the PS2 console
-2/3 rounds; 2/3 matches until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches - Players flip a coin for side/order disputes
Marvel vs Capcom 2:
- To be played on Dreamcast(tentative)
- General tournament rules apply, no gamebreaking glitches
- 2/3 matches until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches
Capcom vs SNK 2:
Do you guys want a tournament!? If so for what system?
Any other ideas you guys may have will really help. Please direct them towards me. Thanks.
It’s so sad. The final one.(for T4)
CVS 2 on dreamcast!!!
yeah cvs2 on the cast or on ps2 i dont really mind!!! and also will there be some kind of casual play for all of the games or what cause i wanna play someone other than G.A. (u noe hoo u r) i mean cause he knows exactly what i will do before i do it and vice versa !!!
this pic is of me u know when i wear my red beani (the resemblance is uncanny)!!!
I think we seriously need to have a tourny at golden token. The owner didn’t get those p360’s for nothin. Come on people, post!!!
ill go if theres one.
id play in a tourney at gta. :mad:
So seriously, who wants to play at gt, some cvs2 on friday? Post up!!!
hey Rob post in the nickel thread bout what ur Evo plans r…maybe we can do sumpin like we did last yr for rooms…lemme knoe or PM me or IM me if u go on aim…same sn as on srk.
Who wants to play today?
Reminder to those interested on the Sat. tournament
In association with Electric Cancel and VGONetwork…
SD TEKKEN is proud to present… after over 150 Tekken 4 tournaments in America’s finest city…the final… the final last… Tekken 4 tournament in San Diego O_O!? …
So all you washups… Final Fantasy XI whores… ppl that fell off the face of the planet after the last big tournament… come back!!! It’s time for…
ECSD: Final Last O_O!?
(ALL information is tentative, the date is official… I can still change any rules or add/remove things as needed, but I need YOUR feedback!)
- EVO2003 and EC5 Champion for Tekken Tag Tournament, Kim Bong Min of Daegu, S. Korea will be entering, this is your last chance to play him before he leaves for home!
- The best in Cali for TTT and T4 will be in attendance!
- Potluck and Live Music at the venue!(tentative)
Money Matches/Practice Play @ SD FIGHTCLUB:
Friday, April 16th, 2004, 7 p.m. - midnight.
$6 to play.
Saturday, April 17th, 2004
Sign-Ups begin at 11:00 a.m.
Tournaments start at 3:00 p.m.
4893 Voltaire St.
San Diego(Ocean Beach), CA 92107
Tekken 4
Tekken Tag Tournament
Marvel vs Capcom 2
and if there is demand Capcom vs SNK 2
- $7 registration fee(for venue)
- $10 per tournament
Tekken 4:
- To be played on the PS2 console
- 2/3 matches; 3/5 rounds until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches
- Random stage or agree on stage
- Players flip a coin for side/order disputes
Tekken Tag Tournament:
- To be played on the PS2 console
-2/3 rounds; 2/3 matches until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches - Players flip a coin for side/order disputes
Marvel vs Capcom 2:
- To be played on Dreamcast(tentative)
- General tournament rules apply, no gamebreaking glitches
- 2/3 matches until finals where it becomes 3/5 matches
- can someone bring a Dreamcast VMU with the data on it for MVC2? Thanks
Capcom vs SNK 2:
Do you guys want a tournament!? If so, I’m sorry it’ll have to be for PS2. I don’t have the machines to man a DC one.
Any other ideas you guys may have will really help. Please direct them towards me by posting below or emailing me at Thanks.
It’s so sad. The final one.(for T4) :cries:
So whos up for some casual on wednesday?anybody?
i am if i can muster up some cash
Whaaaaaat gta when is this going to happen maybe the turn of the century !!! (As Sagat would so gracefully put it)Ahhhh HAHAHAHAHA G.A. u and me both know that we would be the only ones there oh yeah plus fuk man chow or whatever his chinese name is HEH HEH … OH well set it up…
anybody goin tonite…dan might play some cvs maybe some marvel
izzy and i think chris might come to my pad tonight for some games…gt is usually on wednesday noght so you would have more luck going tomorrow.
So we gonna go play tommorow or what?
sorry i couldnt make it tonight but how about thursday? (to RoD)
i picked up my car and had to help someone out with something.
thursday gt or RoD