yea apparently 2ch is blowing Ryan Hart up for using “dirty tactics” to beat daigo. oh those shady international tournaments:
to 2ch: welcome to the rest of the world where tournaments arent single elimination/character lock. Also, cry more. I <3 the fact that you get so hard whenever i post lol. Dont worry Ryan speaks Japanese and knos how gay your forum monsters are.
Keeping shit on topic, Japanese chuns still looking toooooo strong! but as far as ssf4 goes I still dont think they know the game that much, just living off past sf4 knowledge. whats notable is that noone whos in tougeki really entered this tourney tho i might be missing 1 or 2 ppl.
‘sabin? why is he angry?lol’
‘bad bait and bad fish’
‘dhalsim rank iyo>mochi>ryan>sabin’
‘seth rank poongko>>>>>>sabin’
‘sabin has not won the tournament and cant beat justin. best dhalsim…?’
‘were tired of excuses’
‘he is only doing mochi and iyo tactics’
‘daigo isnt god in japan, but he won many international tournaments. thats all. sako is god’
190 ??? [?{}@{}@{}-] ??? ? [sage] ???2010/09/07(?) 00:13:28 ID:dIKpdJv1P
?.@m4djid I sent a DM to you! check it out !
??2??? web?? m4djid?