The Leaf Shield glitch was in my 3-year-old tutorial vid.
If Urien KO’s Oro while the glitch is active (say, with a sweep) and he does the dash-up winpose, he’ll keep ramming into the rocks and get knocked back. After two hits, he’ll give up and just stay in his standing animation.
not a glitch. Works in every bersion. There’s a thread about this somewhere.
Basically, the last few hit frames of the standing fierce are low/high parry-able. It’s so late into the standing fierce that you cant cancel it into anything.
but now that i think of it. Akuma can probably cancel it into raging demon
When Q is at low health, Oro throws out Yagyuu, and Q parries every hit but the last one. Oro dashes up as Q is parrying, and Q neutral throws him before the last hit. The last hit connects with Q and KO’s him, and Oro will fall down from the top of the stage.
You do indeed recall correctly, Q doesn’t get to the point in the throw where he slams Oro on his knee (the damaging part). The yagyou one has happened to me, but I’ve never tried it with Aegis, didn’t know it worked. Makes sense I guess though. I wonder if the same thing happens if Q parries things like Ryu’s SAI?
Some guard training glitches. Computer can block EX MBG on low health, the computer wont block 2 hit, low high combos (i.e Makoto -, qcf+lp) on no health.
I don’t know if this is related to that, but why can the compuer block (GJ), f.hp with Yun?
C Royd, about your vid… when Chun’s s.sp, Necro’s s.sp, and Q’s s.lp whiffed above a crouching character… is that dependent on the animation frame of the character attacknig? Cause I do see characters like Ken bob up and down when just standing there… does the frame the attack on change the property of the move or something?
I think its just showing that some moves can wiff if they are too close, but their hit boxes move down a bit at the end of their ranges. Thats what it looked like to me, at least.
It’s the hitbox of the character receiving the hit. Not the one attacking. When your character attacks, it’s just one constant animation and not an animation which can vary based on your character’s changing hitbox due to it’s breathing.
It’s pretty much useless information because your opponent has to be in neutral or or crouching-neutral status for it to actually be effective.
The only semi-useful situation related to “breathing” is if you’re chun li and you do a s.MP on a shoto (or some other character where the mp won’t hit them on it’s way out) and then it hits him on it’s way back (like the chun/sean portion in my video). If it hits them on it’s way back, you can link it into super. It basically makes the s.MP meaty as if your opponent was waking up. Another kinda usefull thing is that you know when to do necro’s s.MP to hit confirm it into super.
the reason why the “breathing” aspect is useless is because, like i said, it only works when you’re opponent is neutral. If they move forward/backward even 1 pixel, their stance gets reset. And if they are holding back or down back, they’ll go into blocking stance.
i discovered this a few years ago when I saw urien’s lp headbutt whiff on yun, then in the same round, it hit him. I sat at home in training mode wondering why the headbutt would sometimes hit and would sometimes miss and soon noticed that yun slightly moves up and down when he’s in neutral state. Then I made a $10 bet with someone that he couldn’t hit yun with a jab headbut 5 out of 7 times. I won.
You can fool around with a training dummy to invent your own little breathing-related combos or links. Elena’s hitbox is the craziest since she just goes crazy in neutral position so you can have some fun with her.