GGXX Eddie thread

I have a question, how do you guys fight Eddie vs. Axl. Axl is my bane (I can’t play Millia and he beats up my other characters). My general gameplan is to stand just outside of his 5P range and try to bait him into hitting an invite hell. If he jumps, then I get to jump and go after him. Once I’m in, I know have to navigate, but getting in on Axl is the most difficult part of it all.

I havent had any probs vs axl is annoying fight but i think i understand it now =) once your in hes done :smiley: depends what style of axl it is i try to get in with some flying etc invite hells are your friend in this match up also :smiley:

i have a eddie stratgy vid the shit is hot

Would there be anyway possible to get that from you? =]

you have to way’s of gettin it 1. you can go to the hub and get it or i can send you it. but i’m never on friend’s computer that has it so if you can’t get it from the hub just i.m. my screen name is orochihades iight 1. p.s. i have a slayer 1 and a faust 1 holla

Could you send to me through AIM, i dont have DC. :frowning:


is it the vid that names like kasawari or something like that… starts w/ a “K”

and it goes to each move he has and then goes into combos…


Whats your AIM handle?

Need some eddie basic strings, and some strats with the symbiote, I’ve learned you cant do unblockables all the time :lame:


ok hey,BASICALLY THE PROB Im havin is i do,c.d summon dash in with over head and kick then k,s jumpxx eddie does uppercut then I teleport air kick make eddie bomb but i can never time the overhead after there grounded cause I have to jump over them first??help?
–also what kind of unblockable can you set up after a throw… like dash in buzzsaw…ect unblockable???

frc spike is awsome for reset pokes and wakeup games w/out eddie…hey even with him…go for cmd grab after buzzsaws…way too good!

If you’re at midscreen, 214K to sink into the ground, go behind, double jump to hover a bit, djS as the mine goes off (unblockable)
In the corner, just double jump to fly, djS to unblockable with the mine.

After a throw near the corner (not right in it) you can do FRC S drill and 6K for an unblockable, I think…

Strings that Work with eddie:

Buzzsaw > Dash in fast > Damned Fang+Plant Mine > Repeat = GG
Buzzsaw > Dash in fast > 6K > Plant mine > [Insert your Uber ground combo here)
Buzzsaw > Dash in Fast > D > Plant mine > [Insert you Uber Dust combo here…Executioner recomended]
Summon Eddie > Dash in with 2D(double tap to make sure) > [Followup with your rushdown stratagy]

Ok, these are some of your more common unblockable strings(certainly not all of them)…Think Hit low or High with Little Eddie, then hit the opposite with big Eddie Or Have little Eddie attack from Ground while Big eddie attacks from sky…These can be fairly hard to aviod for grounded charicters, so People tend to take to the Air. In that situation 6H, 2H, Shadow Uppercut(236S), Shadow Gallery(41236S), AmorphusTension(632146H)…ect are your friend.

Eddie is fairly easy to use once you get the hang of em…

If your do damned fang in the corner, you can juggle off it…

geez why the hell is this tread way over here. any way what are some really good pressure string that you klike to use

besides the generic eddie’s saw attack attack attack saw attack attack attack saw attack attack attack finish it off…

hmm i usually do a lot of bite into c.s, invite hell pressure…

and vary them depending on my opponents reaction…



what i do is i put my palm over the punch button and when it says heaven or hell! i start mashing like dunununununu and eddie start flying @_@

DOOD thats some L337 STRATS man… i wanna be like your eddie…





Okay this is going to seem retarded, but I’m new to the game and need help with this match-up:

Eddie vs. May

If I can keep the pressure things are good, but the minute she pushes me away I have a really hard time getting back in due to her damn dolphins.

Any suggestions outside of “Stop Sucking!” or “Drop GGXX you fag!” ?