Dammit looks like I missed this:karate:
You did not miss much, the organiser did not turn up and the spectator lag made the game close to unplayable.
and e honda is too cheap! Next time I counter pick DJ.
GGs .____.
oh i never get warned about these tourneys waiting for the next one.
there ain’t gonna be an another one cause the ggpo community act like bitches
am going back to xbox live:rock:
we act like bitches cause you got caught up watching Prison Break and showed up late as fuck ( like an hour after it was over ), then later said it was cause you have a kid to look after.
It’s refreshing to know that, if there is another one, you won’t be the one running it.
what the fuck ever. why don’t you run one then
your always online you must have a shitload of time on your hands
lol you seem to forget that YOU were the one that anounced this and then did a no show ( again )
Is it too late to sign up I am in
that’s not nice
just let e-med do all the tourny shit from now on, he’s done a good job in the past with it…why not just make him the official ggpo ST tourny man?
sorry but id rather not run it
its kind of a big hassle and it needs to be organized on here
before we try and organize it on ggpo, if someone else wants to step up
and run this they should go for it. i just dont wanna say im gonna do it and
then not show
I’d organize this myself, but my work schedule is a little erratic right now, so that’s something I’d have to work around.
One way we could sidestep that though, is with proper planning. I’m not saying I will do this (and heck, I don’t know that any of you would want me to), but I can be kind of a hard-ass when it comes to organizing. If I were the one running it, I’d set the cut-off time for signing up at 24 hours before the start-time of the tournament, and I’d be posting brackets at minimum of two hours in advance. That way, even if I wasn’t able to show up (which I wouldn’t plan to not show, that’s bad form even if it’s not entirely necessary), everyone would know who they were fighting, and it could proceed as pre-set before the start.
I’m not sure if my laptop which I’m currently playing on will let me connect to everyone. :sad:
But I’ll show up at the designated time, and if connection doesn’t turn out to be a problem then I’m definitely game.
how the hell I missed this!
Is this still going on?