Thats really all there is man. They do great damage. obviously you can switch our for all his cancelable normals, but really it all comes down to the all mighty hurricane.
well, ive given you the basic jist of what to do already. from there i would just watch match vids, and learn your matchups. as far good pokes…,,,, mostly things that can link to super
im not really sure what you mean by abuseables, but i assume moves you use a lot? obviously air fb, hurricane on most characters, kara throws, and those normals
oh jeez. well, tick kara throw is just hitting them with quick normals so they block, and then doing a kara throw. so like, you do a, then kara throw.
easy demon setups…
wakeup demon (do the input while you are waking up so the demon comes out right away)
cross over demon (jump over opponent and do the input as you land so demon comes out right when you land. can proly be kara’d)
dash demon (dash and press the jabs during the dash so the demon comes out when you are done dashing. most likely need to kara if you dash back)
tick kara demon (same as tick kara throw except you do a demon instead. kara demon input is lp, lp, f+mp, lk, fp. you do the jabs while your tick move is coming out. moves to tick with include lk,,,, lp something to remember is if you are doing a tick kara demon, you need to hold fierce while you are pressing the jabs or else they come out)
dont bother with the true kara until you have all these down, and really not until you have everything else down with akuma.
what are you talking about? large combos like bnb > sa1 reduce the hell out of the sa1’s damage. the best ways to use it are with easy to hit confirm normals. a > sa1 does awesome damage. thats something i abuse
there are video threads, so just look some stuff up. mimic jap players. matchups you need to know about are
yang, chun, yun (not that bad if you keep him on the ground)
dudley (as long as you aren’t flying more than an airplane), Urien
I didn’t bother listing low tiers because its pretty obvious you’ll rape them. I personally handle shotos pretty well. also worth mentioning is akuma is extra vulnerable to makotos stun combos. one lucky guess and you’re done for, but other than that its a pretty even matchup. there are a lot of character specific threads already and i suggest checking them all out. especially yang stuff.
np gl mate