If there were more EU players interested i would be up for it but for now i’ll stick with the EU forthnightly one.
count me in
Attempting to play hundo12 right now, I’ll post the results after our match.
Just finished my match with Hundo12.
Evoanon: 2
Hundo12: 0
GGs man.
shit dude my play was garbage. ggs though you earn it
btw genei you are too cool. thx for doing all this. sign me up for next time
Does this mean I can play EVOANON now?
Yep, whenever you two are ready. After the match, let me know the score. If you want to join up after for next week’s tournament, I’ll be posting up the settings shortly.
Brackets are updated once results are posted by participants. I check frequently, so make sure to check the opening post or website for updates.
Bracket updates can be found here: http://hdr.elementfx.com/matchups.php
Nice work to hundo12 and evoanon for getting things started promptly. Wish I had a capture card or camera to record these matches. Speaking of which, if there are any volunteers for recording matches let me know.
Let’s do this :wow:
I’ll be around sometime tomorrow if you wanna knock this out :D.
So who is this Fake Cheese325 guy? Does he post here? Send me an invite so we can do this. I’m free to play HDR at nights at 9PM (EST) until…whenever.
Next week’s details are updated in the opening post or you can check the site.
@MisterEgoTrip: Fake Cheese325 says he’s sent you a friend request and he’s ready when you are.
Just finished playing xlegionariusx. I won 2-1. GGs, man.
I’ll sign up now for next week. Fierce-green Honda!
sign me up. this is cool.
geneijin when do we play each other
Sending you a friend request now.
gg man i was learning your style but was 2 late XD nice aggresive balrog
Yeah, good games! I was starting to think you caught on to my weakness when you started your fireball zoning game during our second match.
hit me up right away for the next one XD ima do better lol
I just finished my match with Fake Cheese (2-1) Ego!
Again to Fake Cheese GGs man!