That’s a sweet ass vid, thanks mang.
Seeing things in action is always a better way to learn, and this vid demonstrated everything perfectly and with some gusto, now dat’s cool.
i’ve been using s.:mk: alot these days to trade hits with cammy and sakuras s.:hk:.
its been working very well and i got to thinking why.
its really simple really.
to begin with, geese can stuff with both cammy and saks s.:hk: with his c.:mk:, but you have to be quite a bit closer.
trading hits with them with s.:mk: keeps you as a viable threat from farther away.
also geese’s s.:mk: does (as i recall) 1000 damage, which is the same as cammy and sak.
but i think the reason why it ends up working well is that both cammy and sak have much less life and much less stun than geese.
so even though you’re doing the same amount of damage, its still more in your favor.
Very nice Deus i’ve been using s.:mk: a bit more myself but only as CC bait.
hmm, good shit, cammy and sak put me through hell, so i will try that shit out.
anyone have any advice for fighting blanka? like, what pokes are most useful for fighting him?
Another thing that seems to work for A-Geese is Cross up :mk: standing close :lk: x2 into his kick throw then cross over again with the same thing (no throw) and activating. CHING!
Just a question guys, how do you deal with Nakoruru and Sagat opponents?
I had a tough time trying to inflict damages to these two characters. My opponent hits me in a weird sequence that forces me to block after block and I can’t get out of the cycle. When I try to jump over he uses anti-air moves. It was frustrating.
What’s the best way for Geese to approach the enemy and start abusing them?
And also what’s Geese’s best moves to poke, wiff Sagat and Nakoruru? Both of these characters seemed to have good lateral movements like Sagat’s Tiger knee and nakoruru’s Ana Mitsube. Btw to counter Nakoruru’s Ana Mitsube do you use high counter or low counter?
WTF?? Counter Annu Mitsube?
Why risk countering that move? Sure it’s got 11 frames of startup but she’s at -27, MINIMUM! Which is faster blocking low or inputting the commands to do the counter? Just block and make her regret her foolish random sliding ways. If she random slides at all against Geese (stun god himself) she’s either real ballsy or is a scrub Nako.
There’s little point trying to jump over Nako with crossups, Nako’ll punish those all the time with d.HP. (Unless you set the crossup with Geese’s kickthrow, by all means) Instead try jumping into her with j.MK at an angle where her d.HP would miss, the same angle Ryu covers with his s.HK. Don’t get me wrong d.HP is an excellent move but its’s got its weaknesses like Geese’s d.HP
Geese’s close s.LK and Nako’s close s.LP both have 2 frame startup. Know she’ll probably abuse her jabs if you give her half the chance, walking jabs, counter-hit xx slide or throw. Similar to Geese but he’s not quite so fast with his walking speed. In this instance it’s either you or her so I’d say go ahead and try to beat her to the punch. Getting that close may be a problem she’s so fast though she tends to keep the momentum once she gains it. Her far s.LP is also at 2 frame startup but it only bestows a +5 advantage vs the close one’s +8. (d.LK is +7, same as shotos?!) I suppose if you know WHICH close in move this Nako of yours likes to do, you can throw a mid or low counter against her on wakeup if she runs up to you following a knockdown (which she may inevitably score anyway) Or if you’re like me and you don’t like guessing RC Double Reppuken your way out.
On the flipside of the coin, she has no far reaching moves, not really anyway.
She’s got far RC reflector thing.
She’ll try to get in via knockdowns or following up on anti-airs. She uses her bird a lot so pay attention to when she can use it, only during its “hover” flight. If she’s running all over the place it may be flying towards her quick like its that time when she can’t use it at all so take advantage of it.
Geese won’t really be poking at a good Nakoruru. You’ll probably mostly resort to your own in-close game vs her because she’ll try to get up in his face as she’s got no “footsies” moves of her own outside her birdhop fireballs (which are good because of the space they take up) Countering those fireballs would go a long way towards beating her it really depends on which groove you’re using. K/P-Geese all the way. Don’t bother trying to roll the bird. I’m not sure what exactly Geese’s roll is but if this shit beats the crap out of Sagat’s rolls or even Iori’s (due to angle) you’ve just given her a knockdown.
Best way for her to use the slide is in combos. Following that she’s got the options of:
*crossup -->which Geese’s d.hp beats so if she’s smart she won’t.
***shortjump crossup **–>you can’t beat that outside parry/jd/activate/reversal “crossup command” raging storms or counters or RC double reppukens
***crossup roll, or close s.lp **–>you’d think you can throw her but you’ll only eat a counter-hit jab/short instead, and it crosses up so you’re reversals are screwed unless you know how to do them in these instances.
*low, s.lp --> this is awesome hit confirmation. if this all hits she combos in another jab and lp ground slides, uses the j.lp if blocked and starts walking lp patterns on you with throws in the mix.
Low jump, kickthrow–>alternate mixup to low when you block it all the time.
*late corpse hop dash, s.lp or
This is all off jab slides, which is what she really wants, but she can mix it all up with medium slides to further confuse you as to which way to block.
I don’t know if other Nako’s do it, but her punch throw sets up her hcb+P move nicely. You roll to get out you eat another slide. Safer to block, JD/Parry. Hell even dodge but I doubt you’re playing S.
In general, you want control, and the trajectory of her jump sucks at range, if you can do RC double reppukens for anti-air. I wouldn’t bother trying mid range fireballs or further she’ll just birdhop and bird dive you for free. Air Fireballs though are a different story. Try tigerknee air fireballs to control space. If she tries to slide through those it’ll tag her and even if it doesn’t (if she RC’s it or you miss) you’ll be safe as you recover faster when it is tigerknee’d, and she’s at a disadvantage too.
vs. chunli after blocking the kick super, geese can do a :lk:jaeiken and hit her before she can recover. i dunno if it has to be reversal timing though. just throwing it out there for people to try.
vs. vega at the start of the round if you think vega will mash on c.:mp:, hold the stick forward to inch forward tiny bit at the start, then mash on c.:mk:. should stuff the claw.
well I won’t do that anymore
Damn where has the time gone.
more random stuff.
geese s.:lk: will beat out/whiff punish (if you’re damn fast) guile c.:mk:
it’ll also stuff guile’s s.:hk: during its hopping startup.
vs. kim
i think s.:mp: will trade with those multi kick dives in geese’s favor. maybe.
What can Geese do against a small jump+strong Rolento, and when Geese is cornered against it?
Have you tried looking at this…? It might help…o.o Personally i dont know >.< He is really annoying…i honestly dont think theres a sure way outside outthinking the guy…although AA-ing by reaction when he goes offensive is probably the only thing i can really say “Do it for sure” to.
It gave me a nice tips but didn’t really help cause my AA’s get stuffed by the small jump+strong followed up by his poke strings or combos into the qcf.p x3.
I am pretty sure if you see it comming you can s.hp that small jump, otherwise its quite hard to deal with as is one of the most annoying moves ever…sorry i couldnt help, all i can think of is either s.hp if you see it comming, backwards to kick him out of it, or high counter(which is definetly, a huge risk). =/
rolento’s jumping strong has some good priority and since hes only small jumping it, makes it even harder but ill give those a shot next time I fight a rolento. The high counters failed, couldn’t get a single one out fast enough, but i’ll work on it.
recently i’ve started to do running jab strings with geese.
then i realized instead of just doing a ton of jabs its best to end a pressure string with run > c.:hp: > reppuken. does great guard bar damage and has the same startup as a running jab, only you have to be in range.
gese vs. yamazaki
did i post this yet? this is extremely important.
gese s.:lp: STUFFS yamazaki s.:hk: at the tip of the kick.
this is super duper fucking important in this match as it prevents yamazaki controlling space by whiffing s.:hk: for fre. now gese can move in to a better range because that space will not be occupied by leg ALL DAY.
gese c.:mp: stuffs guile c.:mk:? try it out.
vs. sagat
s.:lp: can stuff sagats s.:mk: at the kne and s.:hp: in a somewhat random way… you may just eat it in the face if it doesnt stuff it.
s.:mp: will stuff sagats c.:hp: at the tip if they’re whiffing it to control space.
No, you hadn’t. But it’s the best info I’ve got about Geese ever. Just what I needed to beat a matchup that has me on the verge of insanity because of inability to do something about Yamazaki’s s.:hk:.