Gathering ideas and suggestions for the Mortal Kombat Vs Street Fighter petition

What? Guy posts a thread, buncha people had enough time in their lives that they had to piss in his Cheerios rather than leave the thread alone as I’ve asked people to do.

Perhaps I’m leaving this thread open as an object lesson that you guys metamoderating just serves to needlessly bump threads and is completely counterproductive.

  1. These types of threads do not belong here
  • Fan Fiction/Wish lists threads

But I guess I’m guilty of #10 then

  1. Don’t derail or metamoderate. Someone on the internet is always wrong: let it go. If you feel the need to attack someone, you damned well better be sure to educate them as part of it.

Sure, a petition, why not. That’s how games are made, you see, you petition for them online without any money. This has totally happened before

I’ll be surprised if you get more than 20 signatures


Not gonna do it anymore. :slight_smile:

Nobody cares.

I think this is a great idea! Please tell us more!

Tell me your ideas and suggestions and I’ll add them to the campaign

He’s being sarcastic bruh.

Then I’d like to know his ideas and suggestions even more

Let it be developed by the same studio who produced Oedo Fight and the Jackie Chan fighting games.