US, NY, 360, XBL Tag: Melfice X(SRK nickname Melfice X) - SSF4AE, SSF2THD, SF3 TS, UMVC3, KoFXIII, MK9
Long Island, New York, US
XBL tag: RiskyGoose
UMvC3, AE2012, SF3OE, Garou, SkullGirls.
I can rearrange them if you’ll give me a template 'cause I’m not American. Other games are there just so people could play something together with fellow skullfans until release. It isn’t necessary by any means.
Shark out.
Meh, it’s simple enough to figure out who is near you by the state listed.
Dallas, Texas USA
PSN/Steam: Nubba
Xboxlive: NubbaHEY
Skullgirls, KoFXIII, AE2012, …maybe BB:CSEX, AH3
US, Alabama (AL)
PSN: underK1ller
I play AE, KoF, SCV, and a little UMvC3
Ohio, USA
Games:Skullgirls, Arcana Heart 3, SFIIHDR, MvC3, King of Fighters XIIII, and Blazblue Extend.
Damnit it’s gonna be lonely at xboxlive in EU…
EU, Sweden
XBL: southpawSRK
Not really playing anything until SG comes out.
Don’t forget Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen OG!
Country: U.S. - - NY/DC (alternate between the two rather frequently)
System: Xbox360
XBLA: Ketchy Kech
Games: Skullgirls, SCV, UMvC3, BlazblueCSEX
Also soon 2nd Original Generation.(OG3)
Is that being localized?
PS3=region free
I’d be amazed if it got localized.
Well the first two did sooooo…
Also I kinda want to be able to read it.
country: US, GA
PSN: RaynerWolf
Games: Skullgirls (when it drops), KoF13, and soul calibur V
come at me bros (or broettes)
Gamer Tag : Snuggle Walrus
Location : UK
SRK Name : Snuggle Walrus
Games : AH3, UMvC3, AE, SC5, MK9, KoF13, SG, SFxT
Let’s hope.
Will probably not be, going to buy both though.
They sold horribly. OGS on PS2 was never localized and the fans were hounding Atlus for a long time. I’d love to see it here, too! Let’s stop cluttering up the thread with our hotblooded tears, haha.
Why not have a list of PSN only, Xbox only, and both instead of having just PSN and Xbox? Some people have both so it makes the lists seem like they have more people in them than they actually do.
The best way to do this would be some sort of google docs type of online spreadsheet.