Gamertag sharing thread [XBL metatag is 'SkullgirlsSRK']

GT for XBL (and Steam) is: bitbna

Other Games: SSF4, UMvC3, 3SOE, Garou (I am ass but I’ll play lol)

Edit: From South Florida (I am on that top tier internet)

Okay. Things going smooth so far. If I stated something wrong feel free to tell me here or via private message.
Shark out.

Instead of just country, people should be putting their states too. No one wants to deal with EC vs. WC. =/

US, North Carolina
PSN: Uri_WoZ
Games: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat 9, Arcana Heart 3, Soul Calibur V, Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Mortal Kombat 2 Online

PSN & Steam: Vulcario
Country: British Columbia, Canada (west coast)
Games: nothing really at the moment, Skullgirls when it comes out

Looks like I’m the only real Asian looking forward to this game.

SEA, Phils.
PSN: pinakaguwaping, unityd3v, d3v_sg
Other Games: AE, UMvC3 (haven’t touched it much), SC5, 3rd Strike Online, MvC2, HDR

US, Arizona (AZ)
XBL: Typhoon Trigger
I play KoF13, SFIVAE, and UMvC3 as well

I was thinking about that too. Since I’m not American can anybody please link me to list of states’ abbrevations?
Shark out.

I live in FL, btw

State:South Carolina

SSF4 AE 2012, trying to get back into BB, Arcana Heart 3 when I ever get around to buying it.

EDIT: You’re more likely to find me on Tekken 6 than BB nowadays.

Okay. I’m from Chicago, Illinois

I’m from Long Island, NY

Games:BBCSEX(pre ordered), Vampire Savior(GGPO), maybe Arcana Heart as well

What “SEA, Phils” is standing for exactly? O_o

South East Asia, Philippines.

GT:Pooplos Z
PSN:pooplos-z (never on)
Games: Skullgirls, AE, T6, UMVC3, KoFXIII(grumble netcode), MK, SCV, mostly anything if you really wanna

For format’s sake.
Any of you guys play Battle Fantasia? I’d love to play someone that knows what’s up in that game.

I don’t have an XBLA ID.

And for guys who will be posting info in future: I’ll really appreciate if you’ll format it according to my current table in 1st post.
Thanks in advance. Shark out.

Anchorage, Alaska

US, NY **oO SnowMan **(SRK nickname oOSnowMan) - AE and 3S

I play on Xbox

PSN: LagrettoTheSlow
Country: US (California)
System: PS3
Games: BB: CT/CS/EX, UMVC3, Arcana Heart 3, Battle Fantasia, KoF13, SF: 3SO, SCV,