Gainesville Thread: UF Wednesday Night Fights, 18:30 - 22:00, Little Hall 221

bumping in hopes that new people will see this…highly unlikely tho XD

Holy hell. I forgot about this thread. Facebook ruins all things.

Bumping this so that newer people who do not use facebook can see it. If you are not on the facebook group, get on it. Its the quickest way to communicate with us but if this thread has people posting again, then we’ll start using it again.

When’s the next tournament in Gainesville?

I don’t believe it has been officially announced yet but the next GatorLan at UF will be April 14th. Games to be played are SSF4:AE. UMvC3 and TTT2 (If at least 8 people enter).

I’m aiming to get my first UMvC3 crown after countless 2nd/3rd place finishes ;].

Frequent hosting spots

1) Since Rob left, Dave/epinephrine has been super awesome and has been hosting pretty much every Friday (and some Saturdays) in Gainesville. Any game is free to be played there but AE and Marvel are the most popular since those are the games being bought out to his place. SC5 and DOA5 get some playtime there too since we have TOP 8 EVO PLACER/WORLD SEXIEST GAMER COLIN THERE.

2) Phil sometimes hosts UMvC3 at his place on weekdays. If you ever want Marvel in Gainesville, just contact him.

3) Leonard sometimes hosts UMvC3 at his place in Melrose. I believe he’s open to anything being played too.

4) I host in Ocala once in a while usually for UMvC3. My brother and I also enjoy playing Melty Blood and P4:A too (we haven’t played in months though due to lack of motivation). I’m open to anything being played but you have to bring a setup for it and be warned that we don’t really play other games much so it’d be free.

THERE ARE A LOT OF AE PLAYERS IN GAINESVILLE SO IF YOU HATE MARVEL YOU AREN’T SOL. I just post all the Marvel gatherings because thats what I play.

If there are any spots of interest, just post them here and we can get Hammy to add it to the first post of something.

For anyone interested in SFxT or P4A I will be able to bring a dedicated setup for those games, which will most likely take place at Dave’s on Fridays. Again, the best way to know what’s going on and when is to join the facebook group, so if you’re in the area and haven’t make sure to do so!


I’ve been extended an offer to enter the graduate program at the University of Florida. I’m up in Chicago currently, but I was wondering what the scene is like down here. What games are popular? How often do you all put events together? Does anyone travel around? Are you all more casual or competitive in how you approach things?

Go Bears!! Bring me tons of Bears merch and I’ll love you forever.

The Gainesville scene is small but it does exist.

What games are popular?
Marvel and AE are the most popular games whenever someone hosts. There are people who play other games but not as many show up to casuals. SFxT might be making a comeback, I haven’t been able to go to casuals in about 2 weeks now because of work.

How often do you all put events together?
UF host Gatorlan once every couple months, usually around break times. Free to enter event with pretty good attendance, and our chance to find people who don’t know about srk or the facebook group. We don’t really host events ourselves because surrounding cities usually do. They have the supplies, time and venues to do it.

Does anyone travel around?
Yes, a lot of us carpool to out-of-town events. From Gainesville, Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee are around 2 hours away. Jacksonville and Daytona are about an hour and a half away.

Are you all more casual or competitive in how you approach things?
We have a good mixture of both. For the most part, we all strive to get better at our respective games. The more serious players do travel for tournaments and theory craft together like crazy. I consider myself a casual player with a competitive mindset. I like to win but its not my number one priority. I have literally thrown away a first place victory at Gatorlan’s first UMvC3 tournament trying to win with Ryu’s DP when i was up 2-0 in GF.

Sounds cool. I’ll be taking a trip down to see the campus sometime soon, but I haven’t decided on a program yet. Thanks for the info.

Bump - there’s a guy in Citrus springs looking for people.

Tell him here’s the link for our facebook group (if he hasn’t already joined)

Are people still meeting on Wednesdays? I’m about an hour away on a business trip. Haven’t joined the fb group but sent a request today.

Woah! I’m moving to Gainesville for Grad school. Now I have a distraction?!?! haha awesome! You guys still play?

I saw that you already joined the FB group…Welcome! This thread is pretty much dead seeing as everyone uses the FB group to communicate. But yeah, we just started our ranbat season this week and we will be looking for new people to hop on once the fall semester starts.

can someone give me some info on the scene? Just moved down this way. Looking to play offline as much as possible. I live in Alpharetta, Ga.

Glad to know Little Hall is being used for something non-miserable. Keep pissing on the bathroom floors, and GO GATORS!!

We are actually in Gainesville, Florida. You have us confused with Gainesville, Georgia lol.

This thread is not dead but facebook is a helluva drug

im ready to meet some gainesville fighting game players at UF. ive heard a real nasty jin player by the name of OceanMilk plays at UF.