But anyway, good to see you again back in Gville mike…it’s good to have another member of van’s crew come back. even though i’ve only been playing seriously for a little under 2 years i feel like one of the oldest people in the towns scene and i’m only 20 XD
Tran won 3 months of xbox live. He uses my account though so we gave it to Jon.
Petey and I went out first round. 2/3 of Petey’s team wasn’t unlocked and I’m bad at figjting Tran. After my game with Tran, they unlocked characters and made the games 2/3.
lol Akuma Sent. Dammit Petey, I told you to pick Phoenix. Should’ve used Wesker too, he’s like the Bison of Marvel.
How did he win Super anyways? All you need to know is that he hates Balrog/Bison/Blanka and he straight up loses to THawk.
I played a sagat second round and he got mad at me for sandbagging with oni the first game. then I picked juri and he sarcastically said “yeah, just switch to a character you know how to play, thanks” XD
Whenever I place in a tournament the cutoff for prizes is always one person higher than I rank. Like if I get fourth it’s prizes for third and up, if I get second it’s first only etc. Losers never win… gotta get first!
That T Hawk that just mashed dive and spun the stick (well pad I guess) around mashing punch, after I beat him he told me “Good games… I should have won though… I won the tournament last year… haven’t played in a long ass time though”. Good thing we showed up!
I guess that means you’re playing bob sagat in sf x tekken Pat?
Signups for the tournament are from 12-1 so I want to leave gainesville by 10. Is it cool if you guys meet me at my place? I can drive but I have no air conditioning. Just saying.