Friend dilemma


I feel much better now, thanks XD

Not surprising considering playing a fighting game with only one other person and both of you using only one exclusive character can get boring fast.

Also Sagat goes even with Akuma when you’re momochi or tokido and can land 1 frame loops all day. You’re friend is probably bored of losing out to tiger shot spam and “psychic” uppercuts and I’m not sure you can make anyone enjoy that.

I see what you did there.

Just read around a bit in the Domination section. I’m sure you’ll find some enlightening quotes and information around there. :

Your friend there, sounds somewhat like a scrub to be honest. I hate using that word, but that’s what it just breaks down to. If he can’t teach himself on how to fill the gaps in his gameplay, then it isn’t the character or tier that loses out. It’s just him, the actual player, because I used to be a scrub that complained about certain natural abilities of characters.

I also had a friend similar to yours, who had Chun-Li as a main, and would talk about Sagat being godlike once in awhile. After some training and a big loss at Gamestop’s Round 3, placing 3rd place, I decided to pick up other characters. That’s where my skill level sky rocketed because I would learn the many different points of entry of certain characters, which in turn, taught me the importance of spacing, and the list went on and on. Every time we would play, I would surprise him and prove him wrong because I was proficient with other characters like Sakura and especially Dhalsim (who I used to lose to ALOT). That’s when I found the game much more enjoyable, challenging, and fun.

It’s a bit long, but if you like Sagat, play and practice with him in player matches, until you reach a boundary or limit where you feel like you can’t progress any further. Practice for atleast 30 minutes every day until all that you see Sagat in the training room when you close your eyes to sleep at night and get sick of it. That’s the right time to learn other characters, and when you do, that’s when you can come back and appreciate Sagat, but not only Sagat, more importantly every character. Do what you feel like, but don’t be afraid to try new things.

don’t listen to your friend, choose whoever you want, I mean its not his rule, he is being mean, akuma is top tier and so is sagat and balrog.

Punch your friend in the face. s.HP works in RL too

Make new friends…he won’t man up.

The noob character where every combo is a 1 frame link, who’s slow, and has a hit box the size of texas and can get ambiguosly crossed up for free… yeah, so noob.

I wasn’t expecting this kinda support, thanks guys!

This. The main reason I’ve taken up Sagat is that I think he is challenging to play right and there is a surprising amount of depth to him. Probably why you don’t see an army of Sagats winning every major. Lazy top tier, Sagat is not. Well, and I knew my hard work would be rewarded :razzy:


OP will never have the balls to punch anyone if he’s making threads like “Guyzz wat shud I do my friend wont let me play sagat!!!111”


I knew Sagat is top tier, but Rog?

Where does he fall into the tier rankings?

Anyway…does your friend complain that you beat him with those character?

He doesnt’ like the match up?

There’s gotta be another reason why he doesn’t like those characters.

Cause he saw Justin Wong used Balrog.

i lold

actually none of my friends play sf4 with me b/c its not fun for them

Tell your friend to stop being a bitch.

Got me. Go troll somewhere else.

disown your cunt of a friend