Friday SF4 + HDR Night in Seattle! 2/26

bump for tomorrow!

I’ll try and make it this time eh?

A somewhat Ruggish Duggish is wondering if he can show?

yeah tmro sounds good. Also yeah ed you rekindled my hate for Bison. Duggish I hope you can make it I wanna see what’s up in the Dug akuma/honda world.

I’ll be back for seconds. I also invited my friend Ho Guan (the honda player). If him and Dugg show up, we could have some Honda mirror matches going. So gross! :bgrin:

Kk so ima do a list from now on for who’s attending. Ill keep this one limited to 6 max and see how it goes and I might increase the number of attendees next week. Anyways you’re all good for tomorrow

Here’s the list

  1. Paullee
  2. Duggish
  3. Bokkin
  4. Mikehascookies
  5. Mikes friend

Again ill have three TVs, so bring sticks and setups.

Call or PM me for directions.

Mike if you bring your 360 and TE and I bring my TE and Modded SE that would make 2 setups with 4 good sticks. Paul and Dugg both have PS3 TE’s so they’re kinda worthless in the stick department (lol).

Ejdge, mind if I come out tomorrow night for a little while? Need to get out of the house.

nope, you’re good!

  1. Paullee
  2. Duggish
  3. Bokkin
  4. Mikehascookies
  5. Mikes friend
  6. jalapno

shits filled until next week! Sending out pm’s with my address later tonight.

Just to note, I may not be able to make it depending on my work load tomorrow…if we wanna load up an alt, I’ll be on all day tomorrow to let ya know…sry, I was only told this as I was getting off work… =/

ok everyone, i might have to push this to tomorrow (wednesday). there’s something i might have to attend to tonight. i’ll post up in the afternoon on the status… sorry.

Hey. I’m Mike’s friend. One who pretty much uses Honda only. Call me John. (I went by Gon before when I was a big player in CvS & CvS2.)

Tuesday I can probably make, but Wednesday probably not.

mmm k tonight’s not going to work… what about thursday everyone?

I can do Thursday.

Yeah I can do that as well gotta finish some games up anyways lol!

Gon! Where you been at, sucka? I thought for sure you’d be jumping on the SF4 bandwagon a long time ago. Good to have you on board. No Blanka?

Blanka rapes babies.


No. I think he had it right the first time.

if you are coming tomorrow, please repost if you haven’t already.