sucks to play against tactical recovery then…(or to some extent people who safe falls at the dumbest time).
all you guys are hoes
I’m a Lee…and I don’t know what everyone else is…but I’m sure YOU are the only HO…
…K Bar…
Campbell…read this…K bar…
eric lee is weird. doppleganger in the crackshot
Random ass posting…when you coming home to visit?
fuck you keith and your “I go out and drink before drinking and puke so I don’t feel like drinking and I have a I was just drinking so I don’t feel like drinking” face
ok what the heck are you talking about??? haha silly dent.
still keeping it rilll in UCI? peace out homie, rush them fools down.
i was responding to allen’s post, wth are you talking about?
whoa whoa whoa! chill out, mang!
why don’t u have a beer or something, yo? :party: lets keep it real and fresh.
you are quite possibly THE MOST confusing mother fucker on the planet
man im just as confused as you are, im really curious as to wth youre talking about
side note: at least 2 people on this thread unfortunately suffer from bad breath
yo, yall nigars kneed to kook up kokane wif bking powder and sell it.
all da best.
yo, yall nigars kneed to kook up kokane wif bking powder and sell it.
all da best.
John: i think we can at least aggree on one thing:
goddamn these half japanese girls…
Some free jump in set-ups here:Meaty Jump In Attacks
I have a few for Cammy, but uh, I don’t know exact set-ups. Something like cr.jab, st.fierce, spiral arrow, super jump short.
what happened to all the cool people? shiningsoul i know you’re cool
NORCAL WUT WUT WUT peace up in this craziness
I’ve learned that free-jump ins aren’t as free as I thought they were. Aside from tactical recovery. Characters who aren’t Ken and Akuma can “cheat” by waking up ducking and reversal uppercutting. Also Cammy can parry and standing fierce you back.