Fizing a HORI EX2. broken button + gimped autofire :-o

Hey my mk button stopped working properly. It doesn’t always register when i press it, and if i hold the button down it will sometimes keep registering randomly in a spasticated autofire fashion. It starts of fast and slows down…and then stops after about 5 seconds.

I have taken the button lid off and pressed the microswitch directly and the problem persists, so there’s no dirt in the button as far as i can tell.

What i want to know is whether my pcb is screwed. I only ask because of the autofire thing makes me think that it can’t just be a busted microswitch…

Welcome to the club. The EX2 pcb’s are shit, it is just a matter of time until more than just your mk button starts screwing up.

are my symptoms definitely more than button failure? is my pcb shot?

If you suspect that it is button failure, you can test it by taking a length of wire and connect the two contacts that the button is soldered to and see if it registers. But I wouldn’t be surprised if your pcb is shot, myself and many others have had the EX2 board die at random occurrences.

What the fuck, how often does this happen. I’ll probably end up canceling my order depending on the answers I get lol.

I might as well add a pcb to my hrap3 instead.