Fire Emblem thread: Now with more permadeath!

Yeah, they released the OG Sword Queen on a whale banner.

@Bious does Erika buff others? She would be good with Nino right?

Sheā€™s great with Nino, need to 5* her to get one of the buffs though.

Good to know as I have multiple Ninoā€™s and Erikaā€™s.

honestly might drop FE Heroes. the pull rates in this game are garbage and it takes so long to get orbs without spending. I had 80 orbs saved and rolled like 48 of them trying to get Arya and didnā€™t get her, cool, BUT the game insists on still giving me the same fuckin 4-6 Fates and Awakening characters over and over and over again with the occasional Roy, like atleast give some thing else besides all these fuckin garbage dupes.

Iā€™m legit too spoiled by Tales of LInk, if i save 100 stones on there, iā€™m guaranteed 20 characters and atleast 4-6 of them will be good and useful, in this I know im getting some straight dumpster scraps.

Iā€™m thinking of not rolling anymore until hopefully another Radiant Dawn banner or etc comes. I got 32 orbs left

The rates are pretty good imo compared to other games. RNG is still RNG. The game just doesnā€™t have guarantees like some others, but they were nice enough to give us a free CYL unit.

I think the thing about FEH compared to others is that there isnā€™t much to do in the game so you are always tempted to pull. When there ARE things to do, they can be done in 1 day or less(leveling your unit, farming SP, etc). TT is the only thing right now where youā€™ll always have something to do, but itā€™s just a long grind and gets tedious. The 3x points daily helped a lot.

While theyā€™ve done a good job updating the game since itā€™s launch, thereā€™s still too many down days. Iā€™m just logging in for daily, do arena runs, then log out til TT comes in 3 days.

Honestly this is why I have a love/hate relationship with this game and most mobile games in general. Still, I havenā€™t spent a dime on this game and am still having fun and doing reasonably well (I think my luckiest pull was Bridelia). I do wish they had more things to do though.

Yep. For like a week I didnā€™t do anything but daily log ins, and i did some warriors maps. I got no problem with RNG, i get irritated about getting the same few people over and over. But its whatever. I only play one other gacha game, so my experience with this is kinda limited. Been thinking about trying more, but these games can be time consuming when thereā€™s good shit going on lol

Iā€™m playing FF Record Keeper right now. So far I find it pretty fun.

Gatcha is bad civilization.

Got lucky with FGO though, most of the characters I want there are only itā€™s equivalent to silver or are wellfare characters given away with events.

God I hate this arvis shit. I donā€™t think I have a way to even beat the level 30 shit at all even with Cordelia, Lyn, Black Knight, AND Olivia. I need some strategy meign, idk what the fuck I am doing lol.

If you have time to level Nino and have people buff her and Olivia dance her she can take out the Knights easy enough and both blue mages iirc.

I got two 4 star Oliviaā€™s, is there a way I can use them to get two units to run through these fuckers?

Maybe, trouble is sheā€™s super weak in combat unless using a ruby sword or triangle adept vs a green unit so youā€™d have to figure out a way to have her dancing stuff without ever leaving her in the pink area, since this map has reinforcements thatā€™d probably be harder than usual too.

New Tempest Trial is up, and holy shit at that seal at 40K points.

Oh also Arden.

Confirmed the seal is flier restricted like the skill. Still nice though so you can mix and match teams without needing to sac a Tana.

Confirmed the seal is flier restricted like the skill. Still nice though so you can mix and match teams without needing to sac a Tana.

Wish we had a flying healerā€¦

BTW Alphonse of all units may have hit the jackpot with the new seals:

Annnd pity broken again by my third fucking Iniago.

I actually got pity broke by my first Indigo!

Who is +Def -Spd. Why the fuck do I bother.