FFA MvC2 Team Tourney results

Nope but some would say “Is Sanford here?”(just for a laugh) and you see people turn their faces looking around if he is. It was pretty funny because they knew someone was good look around.

Is Sanford here?

GG to everyone i played. :tup: It was nice seeing the socal friends i have not seen in a long time. Mike Ross, my bad i didin’t wait any longer to say gg. Amir’s crazy, Team HMC is crazy, CF is crazy, Dip$et is crazy, NSJ is crazy FFA is crazy, everyone is crazy! :wow: :wow: Hopefully in the next tourney if i have no school, i’ll be there. :tup: When i get there, feel free to money match my scrubby ass. LOL. Anyways, i’ll be online and feel free to chat if ya’ll like. =]Peace.


i disgrace the name HMC… i did so horrible and lost the final match for my team… shame on me … SHAME!!! :sad:

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Every player has there bad day. Your team got far in the tourney. There is always next time. Also to clarify things Sanford did not show up end of story.

Fuck you Dan. You know you’re nice at Marvel, it’s coming back…hahaha not really it’s dead.

Even though our team didn’t do so hot, I had a great time. The casual matches were more fun IMO (for me atleast), and it was great to play against some new faces. I enjoyed meeting a fellow low-tier player (Justin K) and putting up a fight against some of the top Nor.Cal. players. Stay awesome everyone, I hope that there’s another tourney soon :tup:

does he ever show up to cali? lol

Yea this one time at a tourney at UCLA. He was there with JW.

Is justin join this tourney? How about sanford?

Indeed Justin was there Justin Jordan muahhaha :rofl:

Neither Justin Wong nor Sanford went to the tourney.

lol, that was years ago. tip and tricks, i remember that. good stuff.

i’m talkin’ about the evo no-shows. :stuck_out_tongue:

damn, what a beast

fun tourney, sticks werent so hot, i couldnt pull off 1 rep of my mag infinite on sent. the only time i did good was when i picked Jill.

everyone was beasting.

good game to potts and ace for raping me with a comeback

master! you have validated my existence! i will play more marvel now. :karate:

did anyone record me vs amir or combo fiend?

leezy is eric lee, i go by just anthony or neeezy.

Lots of dope players in socal i didnt kno existed. As for the footage, u gotta ask Ohayo1234 for them. he wanted me to record for him plus i didnt get alot of stuff(finals).

I got all our games in team tourny cept for the last one + some casual. Thanks kai for running a dope tourny, hope to see you guys at the next big one.