FFA Arcade Battle Results

Good games to all. Dudley v Ryu was fun to watch. Also thanks to Vic for the Urien advice, and thanks to Yi for letting me watch the videos and for the advice on play styles, hopefully it will help my Dudley :D.

PS. Matt, you are the tallest person to have ever been in my car, good God.

cant wait for the vids…

the nameless kensmen on UCLA’s team is Scott

good shit Yi for making this tourney happen.
a lot of solid players from last night’s 3v3

go UCLA!

Match videos. I need a new site to host the torrents next time


What kind of faggot uploads a torrent then doesn’t seed it.

fun times, good experience for team IF

sanchez thanks for owning me that round, enough reason for me to actually start practicing now

thank you to everyone that ran the tourney


try fucking megaupload or something. All you’d have to do would be to leave your comp on for like an hour.

i’ll host it at combovideos.com if you send to me

aiight i got it off mininova

will host it tomorrow.

oh ok. thanks a lot!


Family Fun Arcade Team Tournament No.1 [Season 6]

Arcade & Players:

[UCI] ohayo1234(KE), misterbean(YU), Shiningsoul(EL)
[Family Fun Old] 5 Star(KE), VictoLy(DU), Pyrolee(YU)
[UCR] Hai(MA), ThyAlmighty(OR), Surewin(DU)
[7-11 Worldwide] ericXchin(YU), Trippy(YA), Mr Univers(UR)
[Family Fun New] Gootecks(UR), Aye-hood Kim(KE), Ed Ma(KE)
[UCLA] aiy1tm(KE), JR Rodriguez(GO), Game Genyee(CH)
[Moorpark College] Pherai(GO), Rob Greco(CH), Duralath(AL)
[Arcade Infinity] Tony X(DU), Slimelord(NE), Kai(CH)
[Regency Fun Centre]Sanchez(AL), Philoshper Joe(GO), Ray El Guapo Ramos(HU)
[James Games] Mike(RY), Brandon(GO), Andy(YU)
[Super Arcade] mt. sac kid(KE), Arnel(UR), Reset(KE)
[Interface] eMCee143(DU), Santos(GO), Goldenboy Vinny(KE)

Bracket 1


Bracket 2


Bracket 3




Wow- very organized presentation. Great work, Shend.

good shit shend!

Does that torrent have the ryu vs dudley tournament? I’d love to see that. Does anyone know of any other tournaments similar to that (character limited tournaments) that are available online to watch/download?

mother fucking SUPER

That Arnel (Urien) 5 star (ken) match in the semis was sick. Most entertaining match I’ve seen in awhile.

Sorry direct linking wont work… Have to use the CV link.

cool team tourney vids. are the dud vs ryu matches up anywhere?