FeiLong Thread

Just walk in block fireballs, neutral jump fireballs try to gain space and wait to rekka pretty much play super lame.
But yes Deejay and Honda are some of the matches you will struggle pretty hard with, But don’t feel the match is totally free for deejay just really hard.

I’ve been doing a bit better since I re implemented neutral jump into my game. Kinda forget those little ST things when I go back to other fighters.

precise spacing.

but im starting to realize if you time his j.hp to purposely whiff dodging fb’s he can block the sweep. but only on shotos i think. not sure

favorite Fei player, favorite stage theme

I need tips on Fei vs Honda. I frequent fightcade and somehow I overcome top tiers like Sim and Boxer, but I find Honda and Chun infuriating to accomplish.


Towards the end of the battles