FEILONG = amazing by far and is probably one of the best characters to use especially if you know how to use his combos
i was wondering, does feilong have a airthrow? cuz i was playing this guy the other day on ggpo and he did a airthrow on me. i never seen this happen ever in real life/online. i think it was the hk throw version in midair. could it be just a online bug/glitch thing? o wells it was a first though
Uh, ok, I was just feeling silly. What’s the “chicken wing” when referring to Fei-Long?
The chicken wing is Fei’s flying kick thing done with the old tiger knee motion…
Stoopid thing keeps crossing me up at the most unexpected times.
You guys do know that there already is a Fei Long thread right?
Learn to use the search function instead of making new threads please.
haha yeah its the most interesting move to spam.
Merged with original Fei Long thread.
bump thread
streetfighterdojo.com: Super Turbo Fei Long
I finally got the ST Fei Long section up at streetfighterdojo.com.
Here is the link:
Match footage of top players + combos/tricks
That is a sick ass web site.
What about comboing his super (aside from juggling)? How is it done, and is it practical?
cross up fwd s.jab/s.jab/c.jab super
its works either way with the jab. i it also works after landing a deep chicken wing and j.rh.
Been using Fei Long A TON in ST recently. I think he’s my new main now.
That being said, I would say comboing his super is practical. I usually do Jump-in MK, Cr.LPxxSuper. Its pretty easy too land.
Anyway, what do you guys like doing after a CW? Combo into another for a loop? Flame Kick?
Depends on the situation. If the opponent is in the corner blocking not giving me a opening. I’ll Trap him with another CW and if it lands deep enough, cl.Fierce/s.Jab to Rekkasx x3, s.jab to Flame Kick, or s.Fierce. But don’t think CW will always link cause you have to be deep enough to link a combo off or they’ll get a free reversal on you. Best policy is using Roundhouse CW’s cause it will land deep enough to link combos.
Yeah, I know it won’t always link, but even then, the mix-ups can you do from it are just ridiculous. People get so helpless in the corner.
Is it universally acknowledged that Noguchi has the best Fei in the world? Seems like it would be hard to dispute that…?
Noguchi is the best Fei player there’s no question about that.
Hell yeah to the blue moon.
Koop necroin threads today for :O?