Obviously, if you want good strats, you should watch match vids on sites like Youtube. Good Japanese Fei players are Noguchi and Yuubou. In the US, Jump Suit Jesse plays Fei, and in the UK, Shin Dragon uses him. Study those and thatll help you out some. Im sure others in the Fei forum would be more than willing to accommodate you and your questions.
I just read through the thread and picked up some very interesting tactics. And yes…I remembered about Jumpsuit Jesse a few days ago. Thanks for the info.
Being a Honda player i can give you one tip vs Honda. Fei is able to cross Honda up very easily without even knocking him down. If you are in a situation where you are close and he decides to turtle a little too much, you can walk forward slightly and jump over his head and cross up with forward, for some reason Hondas J Headbutt will miss. and it sets up 5 hits of death. Jf + StF +Rekka x3. Ive had this done to me many times until i learned not to let Fei get that close.
Ok…from what I remember in practicing the links that ended up on my SSF2 Link FAQ (which tie into the combos listed on David Wright’s TZW Combo FAQ), for Fei Long to get that close to E. Honda, he would have to be well within E. Honda’s attack range. I would think that Honda’s range and Fei’s Flame Kick motion would make your suggestion very unlikely to happen in a match. Plus, if you let Fei Long land that crossup on your Honda, IIRC, he should at least be able to put a crouching jab or maybe even a close standing strong before that close standing fierce and Honda should come out of that dizzy and minus a little more than 50% life. In other words, that’s Fei’s round…and rightly deserved for Honda being asleep.
The only move I could see having a chance of getting Fei in that close would be his “Chicken Wing” kick, but if the turtle-Honda’s on his game, even a surprise one will get head-butted. I can’t see Fei Long winning this unless his short Flame Kicks are hitting Honda every time he sticks out something to keep him out.
What’s the win ratio on that matchup? Is it as lopsided as T. Hawk trying to fight Cammy?
Just play safe vs hawk and gief, no need to rushdown.
C.fierce or c.strong vs lariat since they have lots of range to beat it
yeah, i dunno but i almost never try to AA with fei’s DP against hawk or geif becuase if you miss, you lose. Just use s.short or s.roundhouse as an AA. S.short beats everything though
I know a lot of people like to use the chicken trap vs gief, but i don’t like it because if you mess up, reversal SPD.
Feis best jump in vs gief would have to be j.jab or j.roundhouse because it reaches over the lariat
missed dps, messed up chicken wings, whiffed sweep are all moves they can take advantage of and move fei into the corner
Oh wow, I completely forgot about this thread lol. Thank you Caliagent#3 for your advice. I was wondering if you could answer some basic questions about Fei’s matchup vs Ken/Ryu:
For each matchup, please describe in detail:
key strengths/tactics/weaknesses for each character in the match up.
What is Fei’s game plan for each of these match ups?
What are things Fei can do to win/dominate the match?
What are things Fei must watch out for that the other person can do, and how does Fei counter these?
My hope is that this will generate some discussion to get this thread going again.
n. fei, with his flying kick, has more ways of getting in and mixing up while pressuring. He also has his cross-up jumping forward kick, and can soften throws. For those reasons, he’s slightly better than o. fei. However, o. fei can be a lot of fun imo. You spend a lot of time just outside your opponents’ ranges, looking to punish or stuff them with rekkas and normals into rekkas. Once you corner your opponent with either fei, he’s very effective.
I have not been on these threads for awhile, but I’ll share some advice for Shoto fights.
Game plan
Keep a tight space between the shotos, don’t let them stir so far away or gain the upper hand by a zone game, once they are at a safe distance from fei, keeping pressure with hadoukens and putting an end to the CW with a meaty SRK can hurt alot. If your stuck in this situation try to read the movements. Doing chicken wings over predictable hadoukens can give you the tight spacing game that you want to execute. If the shoto is SRK happy, simply bait the wake up with an early whiff or walk foward and tick them into the wake up. Once they land you can follow up with a S Fierce, Rekka combo, or super if you have it. Countering the hurricane isn’t so difficult, a Jab rekka usually stops it dead in it’s tracks. There are many ways to get across this and keep a tight game plan against shotos. Once you train them to not wake up srk or hurricane, you can go in for tick throws and CW pressure strings to keep them occupied or stuff them in the corner. It’s wise to realize that mixing up and being creative/deceptive works, once your execution becomes more precise, punishing a wake up SRk with a Cw x2 juggle into super isn’t a problem. Mixing up the CW into foward or RH’s help with fei’s deception, going in for an overhead from a CW foward is great for simple BnB combos. If your zoned and can’t get in close roll with the punches, walk up and block those hadoukens, eventually fei will be in close enough to stuff whatever the shoto throws at you, try to read your opponent, it’s a shoto for crying out loud, anticipate the attacks.
Keep close, keep pressure strings, keep CW pressure, anticipate wake ups and punish accordingly, keep ryu in the corner but do not consistantly keep the same CW pressure, after awhile the shoto will see the pattern and counter with an SRK, mix up accordingly and you will be safe.
Punish a whiff SRK, Either with: Standing far fierce, standing fierce into rekka, standing strong, fierce, rekka, standing fierce into super, standing fierce into flame kick, the possibilities here are endless so get creative. Punishing predictable hadoukens are simple, bait them but be hesitant and watch any change in there patterns, block accordingly and counter with either CW’s, Jumping in RH, S Fierce, Rekka, Jumping in RH, Standing Fierce, Flame kick etc. If your cornered be paitent, watch for those hadouken strings and whiff SRK’s, punish those as quickly as possible, watch for tick throws, on that last frame of hit stun counter with a short flame kick, try not to do anything to fancy to give this match away, if you have super, remember fei’s invincibility RTSD for easy damage, you can also do this if your in sweep range with a ryu, if he supers, counter it with your super whatever damage fei can get in works great.
If you need a more indepth point feel free to ask.
Great thread guys, FeiLong is one of my favorite SF characters ever so this informaton is really usefull. Im a little discoraged though at his lack of options agaisnt Honda and projectile based characters, agaisnt a good Sagat what can Long do?
I’ll try to be very specific when it comes to projecile based characters, but I’ll answer the questions as they come along.
Sagat- Especially if it’s O. Sagat this fight just moves around paitence and quick thinking. Sagat can keep Fei at far distance with tiger shots, he can also counter the Chicken Wing with a Tiger uppercut along with his Tiger knee if timed correctly. Fei’s biggest upset is that Sagat has both the ground, mid, and high covered from projectiles to his SRK. Your approach to this is to get around the tiger shots safely and to not leave an open opportunity for his tiger uppercut or tiger knee. Getting over the projectiles are simple, either a Foward CW, yes I said Foward because the recovery Sagat has from his tiger shots give him the opportunity to SRK you out of a CW. Get in close enough to try and tick Sagat into an SRK, if he goes for a TK go for the flame kick to counter this. Under any circumstances never go for a RH CW, only do this if your 100% sure you can cross up a fallen Sagat, or if the final hit of the three string attack will stuff any wake up attacks Sagat might do, either a SRK or TK. As with the shotos, roll with the punches, approach sagat by blocking his fireballs, but under any circumstances don’t take in a jump, you will be countered accordingly. If you do a jump in attack, make sure it’s when your reading your opponents movement well, such as the mistake of spamming projectiles disregarding your distance for a jump in attack. Usually what I do is walk in read the movement, jump in with a RH, S. Fierce, Rekka chain for five hits, knock down Sagat as much as you can, if you do get that CW pressure keep Sagat down, go for a CW, Jab, Tick throw, CW Standing Fierce, Fierce Rekka, Jab Rekka, Fierce Rekka, That alone will leave you distance away from a counter SRK or Tiger Knee but close enough to counter his high fireball with a C. Fierce. Once you presssured a Sagat in the corner please don’t make the mistake of repeating pressure strings, It’s great to do a CW, standing Fierce, CW Standing fierce over and over again but also simple to counter, mix up the CW strigns after every knockdown, read how they block your CW strings with either blocking the CW standin or low most of the time, If you seem them blocking high go for a Short CW if you have them cornered, try not to do RH so much because of the open frames you have left from landing, if they block the CW strings low, go for a foward CW, the last two hits or last hit will hit as an overhead, from here you can tick them into SRking to reverse and bait for a rekka chain combo or super. This match up all depends on your experience with Fei and how to read the Sagat really well, if you find yourself making the same mistakes then this match will get tough, just remember the little things, countering a high fireball from sagat with a flame kick, ticking his TK’s and SRK’s, using CW’s to get over low projectiles and if afar, using the RH CW to avoid High projectiles, watch his distance to avoid TK’s, and SRK’s, and above everything else watch your rekka ken pressure, try no to be left in sweep range. Knock him down whenever you get the chance, keepin sagat in the corner and making him useless is where you want him at.
I apologize about the video I mentioned almost a year ago, unfortunately I was in a terrible accident that slowed me down for nearly five months, but I will tell everyone that the strategy {text} is finished, all that needs to be done is the video.
Rekka ken---------
Rekka Ken is easily excuted with Strong,Fierce button combinations. Or can be done consistantly with either button of the same strength. Executing a x3 Fierce or x3 Strong takes a little bit of practice but is accomplished by-
With every rekka input you must simply pause the action of the second hit, to do this perform the rekka, pause it untill fei is done executing on the final frame, then repeat. If done accurately Fei long will do a series of rekka ken’s at moderate speed but will compile up to a combo.
Basic Rekka Ken Combos------
Rekka ken is his basic bread and butter, here is a small and short compilation of some of his combos.
1- (while crouched) c. Weak, s. fierce, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka,
5 Hits. [Super available after S. Fierce]
2- (Standing) S. Jab, S. Jab, C. Jab, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka.
6 hits
3- (standing) S. Strong, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka.
4 hits [Super Available after the S. Fierce]
5- RH Chicken Wing, Standing Fierce, Strong Rekka, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka.
7/9 Hits, [Super Available after the S. Fierce.]
6- (Jump In deep) RH, s. Fierce, Strong Rekka, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka.
5/6 [Super Available after Fierce]
For this part, these situations will come in handy when dealing with a intermediate player, the majority of these patterns are safe and done at a moderate range.
From sweeping distance, Rekka Ken Pressure/Pokes,
Fierce Rekka, Strong rekka, - If your opponent decides to whif a move this is the point where fei long can take advantage of any situation, if airbone you can execute the foward chicken wing and if super is available chain the super.
2- Close to opponent, S. Jab, S. Jab, S. Jab, Jab, Rekka,. Given the situation you can easily tick throw, if opponent decides to whiff any counter offensive you can EXECUTE SUPER IMMEDIATELY, to avoid any counter hit or offensive attack, since super automatically gives you invincibility.
I am not going to reveal so much information here untill I release the video, for the most part this chapter will consume nearly ten minutes, and ten minutes of explaining on text is a pain in the ass.
Zangief Strategy------------------
Alright, one of the matches where Fei can literally pressure/corner/ go ape shit with a barrage of aerial and ground assaults. Most of Fei long’s finesse is shown in this, along with his great speed which allows him to cascade over Zangief with ease. Some of the advantages of this match goes into either side.
Zangief Advantages-- Fei Long Advantages–
Strength, Stamina,Counter, Speed, Combo, High Normal priority.
Zangief can easily turn this match into his favor in any situation, given the opportunity to stay on fei long and consistantly bombard him with pile drivers as well as countering normals will make any attack breeze by, and since Zangief has a mountain of stamina, he does not need to be worried with fei longs weak but quick attacks, a simple mistake can lead into devastaing pile divers, or corner trap situations, in any situation.
Fei Long, Speed and accuracy is needed for this match up, without any consistant offfensive patterns, Zangief can easily deviate from any attack and punish Fei long. Constant pressure and deceptive strings can earn Fei Long a Victory without any repetitious action. Doing so will require nearly perfect executed Chicken Wings, without any perception or know how to execute this offensive attack. The match will greatly be in Zangiefs favor. Note that DISTANCE in this match up is highly important, without knowing how far Fei long is, or how close, Fei can easily be destroyed.
---------- Chicken wings--------
This is one of both main offensive attacks Fei Long will need to execute with precise accuracy. From afar any Round House Chicken wing is easily countered with Zangiefs Spinning Lariat. Performing this action will result in a lost and a favor in Giefs side, thinking that you doing this act from afar will gain an advantage is a mistake. In any situation performing a Round House Chicken Wing will result in damage done, and by a big chunk as well. Zangief can counter this with just a Pile Driver, or even worse, his SPD.
1- Knowing when using the CW pressure correctly is simple, Zangief is cornered and can not begin to comprehend the amount of block strings coming ahead, mixing up the CW strings with Light kick to gain in that overhead on the third hit, or keeping his defenses high with strong CW’s that can be ticked either or into throws or C. Jab Rekka combinations is in fei’s favor. Here are some situations that will give Fei Long a real hold on this match.
Zangief Cornered- Foward CW, s. jab, Flame Kick- Counters his SPD, keeps Zangief pressured, builds meter for super.
Foward CW, S. Fierce, Foward CW, Tick Throw/ or S. Fierce into Light CW for the overhead, if zangief is crouching or is trained to block low to avoid any low attacks.
Light CW, if you see Zangief blocking low consitantly you can now deceive him with the CW patterns. If Gief does not recognize the Foward pattern from the Light pattern, then it’s simple enough to mix each attack up accordingly, each attack will favor in fei longs offensive strategy.
(I will not finish the Rekka Ken Part and Normals In awhile) Been typing this for nearly half an hour and need to get back to work. Will keep you guys informed.
Ok, it’s either know your distance, or start kissing the floor here. Just one slip up, can cost you nearly 40% of your health, this where Zangief can shine indefinately. Learning how to pressure consistantly on the ground is alot different than having air superiority.
Rekka Ken- Whatever you do, never NEVER open up a rekka ken pressure with a close jab, I will guarantee and so will Zangief, that Fei will kiss the asphault all the time.
Rekka Ken pressure- Remember, zangief can do so much in this situation, there is nothing like whiffing a rekka ken and being in SPD range, KNOW your distance, KNOW your rekka ken pressure here, if you don’t, Fei Long will be burned quickly.
1- Sweep Distance- Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka, (pause) This is where you have to figure out what to do, either Zangief might get ancy and do a spinning lariat, or he just might try to pull a reversal, if he reversals, you can rekka ken by starting it with a Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka. Trying to pull off a CW is a 50/50. Just from the distance Gief might perform a lariat and stuff that CW.
2- Eating the bullshit- Ok so you have your rekka ken pressure set, but this doesn’t mean your going to win. It’s as easy to have gief do a SPD just from one rekka ken period. Usually it’s not safe to do one so close, and it’s risky doing it from afar. performing this and using deception can make gief think twice.
3- Doing the rekka ken from afar, and expecting that SPD then stuffing it with a super is flawless, but this requires training the gief. Here are some examples to make Gief tick.
Rekka Tricks==
1- SD= Sweep Distance.
2- SD, Strong Rekka, pause, Fierce Rekka, Flame Kick
3- SD, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka,
4- SD, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka (pause) Whiff Jab rekka, not in SPD range but close enough to counter the reversal with a flame kick
5-SD, Fierce Rekka. Yea That’s it Fierce rekka if your too chicken shit to do anything else, or your just shooting the shit with gief.
Chicken Wing Tricks====
ok CW pressures are difficult, even when mixing them up Gief can still counter Fei long, as mentiond earlier, the RH CW eats a larat from afar, close ranged CW’s are safe but not always. After the second hit Fei long needs to recover, and your in close enough range to eat some asphault
Safe- Foward CW (Blocked) Ok so gief blocks it here we go with some things to keep you safe.
1- Foward CW (Blocked) standing jab, short Flame.
2- Foward CW (Blocked) Standing Strong, jab rekka.
3- Foward CW (Blocked) Standing fierce, short Flame
4- Foward CW (Blocked) standing Jab, Standing Jab, standing jab, - Yes multiple jabs, allows push back and a risky FOWARD flame kick to counter any reversal.
5- Foward CW (Blocked) Jump Back Foward.
6- Foward CW (Blocked) Crouching jab, Short flame Kick
7- Foward CW (Blocked) standing short flame kick.
After some of these defensive maneuvers, you will train the gief to realize every attack you make comes with a second apporach, defensive strategy. Along with training him to block High and sometimes making him deviate from a low attack. Here are some advantages in mixing up for short CW, for the third and final hit will act as an overhead.
1- Short CW (Final hit) Standing Jab, strong Rekka, Fierce Rekka, Strong Rekka
2- Short CW (Final hit) Standing Fierce
3- Short CW (Final hit) Standing Jab, Flame Kick
4- Short CW (Final hit) Standing strong
5- Short CW (Final hit) Standing jab, Tick Throw
Ground game Zangief- Countering comes at a mountain of strength, distance is zangiefs enemy, having the stamina and strength will give fei long some time to break a great gief’s defense.
Ground game Fei long- Play it safe and know the distance, know your rekka ken range and how to play offensively and at the same time have some resilence. Without any resilence, this match can end in zangiefs favor.
Aerial Game Gief- Has to read those CW patterns and act swiftly with lariats to keep fei long on the ground, without a good sense of how to block the CW, Zangief will be cornered and trap soon.
Aerial game Fei Long- Dominate the air, push gief back with rekka kens, know the range and distance of your CW pressure’s, again just as useful as the rekka, without any idea of distance with either, this match can go into giefs favor.
Honestly rekka pressure isn’t how you want to spend most of your time. What you want to do more is slowly push him back or keep him away with your good zoning normals. Crouching fierce is super annoying for Gief because it eats up his non-sweep footsies and if you do it so that it just misses him it’s really hard for him to do anything about it. Standing short antiair beats all of Gief’s max-range jumping attacks and crouching fierce ducks them and hits Gief on landing. If you push him into the corner, set up a chicken wing trap. Rekka pressure is too risky; spd, lariat, crouching roundhouse, and standing forward are all good reasons not to do it too often.