Fei Long player looking for sparring partners, advice, and people to observe videos and critique etc

[quote=“Noodie_5, post:1916, topic:1217”]

Hey guys -

I am an old SF player from way back when. I was heavily into SF2 (whole series) and some SF3, and used to hit local tournaments. That was ages ago lol. Now I am hardly a good player. I recently began getting back into SSFIV and I am looking for people to play against, practice with, etc. I have been back at it consistently for about a month now. I have a youtube channel if anyone is interested in checking out my videos for discussion, feedback, or anything youd like. Here is the link. If anyone is interested shoot me a message on here or on xbox live. My GT is Noodie5.


well add me OG Swiizy i’m almost always down for matches