[Feb 2, 2013] Plenty of Corn (Decatur, IN)

Hey Skill Over Tier will be bringing at least one 360 Setup with a copy of AE and I’ll be bringing KOF XIII for the KOF players out there to play some casuals and see what happens. We might be able to bring more or bring a PS3 setup but not sure about that atm.

wanted to expand on the last thing i said in my previous post. i know most folks are just used to events starting late these days. you can almost take it for granted. i personally am someone who has been attending tourneys of all shapes and sizes over the past 13 years and i know i’m very timely. honestly there really isn’t any good reason for people to show up way late when they’ve known well in advance about the start times and should know in advance how long the trip will be approximately. not trying to set any precedents here but we do plan to run our event a bit more timely than many events do these days. i will be looking to start Marvel very close to noon with not much delay. also please note there may be a little snow in our area on Saturday too.

my point… please plan ahead and give yourself extra time to make sure you aren’t running late and miss the tourney. for you Marvel players i truly plan to start it by 12:15pm aka i’m keeping a very tight timeline. *** UNLESS OUR HOST NICK GIVES ME A STRONG REASON, I AM STARTING MARVEL NO LATER THAN 12:30PM AS A DROP DEAD TIME SO GET YOURSELF HERE IN A TIMELY FASHION, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL TO THE ORGANIZERS AND YOUR FOLLOW PLAYERS BY SHOWING UP ON TIME *** it sounds mean but it’s just common courtesy and decency. i’m not calling anyone out or trying to scare people away, i’m just saying we want to be very organized and run this thing smoothly so i’m giving advance notice in case anyone planned to show up just whenever it’s convenient.

updated news in the opening post for today:

[*]added announcement for KOF13 casuals and possible side tourney in the game lineup

I know I’ll be bringing a 360 Setup that will have KoF ready and currently talking to other members of my team to see who else might be able to bring another full setup. I believe we will also have a Ps3 setup that can run it and we can do matches depending on who would want to be on which system unless we get more people wanting to help do KoF setups for the possible side tourney. I know everyone on my team has unlocked all the characters and have all the DLC characters so yeah. I’ll see what I can do about getting more setups.

as far as setups go what o we need? because im showing up and I was going to see if people wanted tekken tag 2 and umvc3 on ps3 and kof on ps3 as well I have most of these games and play them everyday but don’t play them on xbox, so if you guys want I can find something to bring just don’t know whats all involved in the setup side of things. please let me know a.s.a.p

I’m stoked yip yip

From what I’ve seen from my side it seems like going with PS3 would be the right route for KoFXIII since it seems like that’s what more people are used to and having mixed systems could make a side tourney a nightmare in terms of controllers and such… so yeah… I’d say if anyone wanted to help with the KOF casuals/side tourney if you could bring a PS3 that’d probably help out quite a bit.

Bringing 360 setup with Marvel, AE, and P4A.

This was a good tournament, I had a lot of fun.

I have most of the videos uploaded


thanks for coming out guys!

I’m sad I couldn’t go to this, I wanted to play some P4A

I hope you guys all had a good time

Hey Nel, I noticed some things on the videos and I was wondering if you could put SOT in the names of Pharcydes and Da Truth just noticed them missing in Da Truth’s video I saw so yeah, just wondering.

Sure thing when i get home

sorry about the double post, thanks Nel

results are up!