Favourite DLC Characters So Far?

1. Juri
2. Juri
3. Juri
4. Juri
5. Juri

Kolin, easily.

Hey guys, I have a question, if I were to order characaters out of order (such as Kolin first), how would that effect the order of the characters in the various menus (Character Stories, Survival, Trials, etc)?

If I were I get Kolin, would she be last and then If I got Alex would he be before her or after her?

Juri because Splitkicks.

I doubt it.

My favs (in order)

I own the other characters, but I don’t think I’ve played with Akuma, Juri, Guile, or Urien for more than 5 minutes.

I like Guile. Least favorite is probably Baltard.

Looks like Ed is gonna be my least favorite.

Guile, Juri and Kolin are my top 3.

I figured out the answer to this question and thought I’d post it for those interested…

If you only have the original 16 characters, and then only unlock Kolin, she will be the 17th character listed in character stories, survival, trials, and demonstrations. If you then buy Alex, he will become the 17th listed character and will bump Kolin up to the 18th spot, until you get more characters released pror to Kolin.

(the rest)
Balrog :wink:

I’m gonna have to go with…


Ed is neat. I just want DeeJay and a better balanced Ryu.

All of the SF2 returning characters. Guile, Balrog and Akuma. Capcom should bring back and reinvent the rest of the SF2 cast just like they did with Ken. SF5 Ken is by far, the most fun Ken in the series. They can do that with the remaining SF2 fighters. Oh, and I also like Juri.

What about the launch roster guys? Who would you pick as your favorite one?

I’d go with Mika (all day everyday), Cammy and Birdie.

So far Necro and Sagat.

My favorites are Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.:wink:


It is amazing how Guile is a constant on those lists but still aways on the last position. For me: 1- Guile 2 - Akuma 3 - Urien 4 - Balrog 5 - Rest

Alex, Urien, Juri, Akuma, Kolin, Ed, and Ibuki. In no particular order. I think they’re all really fun characters with great visual design and aesthetics compared to lots of characters in the vanilla launch.

In a couple days Abigail will replace all those inferior names…

Yeah, I’m REALLY looking forward to Abigail. I have a feeling he’ll become my main.