FAO 'The one known as Dasrik'- Migg's old messaging board

Damn. I didn’t think anyone still remembered the place.

Miggs’ board was the first internet forum that I frequented. I posted there under the handle “sCruB”… and that was slightly over 10 years ago. One poster I particularly remember was this Canadian guy who went by the handle “Banshee” who gave quality tips everytime.

Anyone remember Fluffy’s MvC fanfic. That shit was funny as hell with moments like Dan getting KO’ed via paper cut after connecting the Otoko Michi.

My time on the board even inspired me to write a very bad Zangief FAQ which is still hosted on gamefaqs. Good times.

I don’t know if Bruton posts here. His YouTube handle is Bruton70.

LOL, I just got perma-banned from NE for exposing how BS the UK is. sigh this is why Migg’s was so damned good.

Dasrik: From the looks of his channel he’s totally retired and has no interest in the FGC? (by FGC I mean fighting games community… all his channel is 70s music?) Would he pehaps record an acoustic version of the MVC2 theme tune for custom disk :smiley:

International WW edit: Euro Marvel players that want 2 keep on rockin’ contact me here or find me some other way. We’ve gone underground again, Neo Empire has Banned me FOR LIFE! lol.

come on gaiz, where are the OG MIGG’S POSTERS??

Make another thread for GPOW, muthafuckas.

Seriously. xx

i visited those sites but never read the forums much. i remember most of these people from AGSF2 though

ah, the days of StiltMan arguing that Cammy AAA was tops in marvel…

I just watchd Sabin say Cable/Cammy/another was the best team in MVC2!! who’s that kid rolling his eyes when ever Arturo says that? That’s B5, right?

tiers for on screen appearances in that DVD:

1.Viscant (that vest is an OG tool lol)
2. Sabin "I DON’T PLAY TOP TIER CHARACTER’s, aiiiiiiiight? :slight_smile:
4.dat fei Long brer (JSJ?) cussin’ off dirty Cole’s Dhalsim :jajaj

oh yeah Bustin Bong is in it too somewhere lol :slight_smile:

EDIT: yeeeeeeeeeeey Jay is posting sick shit online again! :smiley:

Edit: Why are Abbys, Apocalypse, JCOTA Juggs, Magneto, Jap Anita in MSH and BULLET PROOF banned from JWONG events?Q?!?!

Hey guys!

Wow long time no see, found this thread via Google… it’s super old and I’m not sure if you guys are still around or not.

Google searches also say that Dasrik died?!? RIP if it’s true =(

Good times back then… kind of like a pre-SRK. I used to argue/discuss with Viscant and Spider-Dan a lot over theory fighting, so yeah just clarify;

Guard breaks were discovered before MvC1. I personally found them out by myself from playing MSF(even though they exist in other VS games)… because computer AI Ken would sometimes do an air hurricane kick, and then do an unblockable dragon punch afterwards(before you hit the ground). I mentioned that on the forum and ppl were surprised because the SHGL crew were just discovering that tech at the time. I used to be big on Megaman in MvC1… at least a 7s Megabuster to recover from the animation and combo a Duo… but obviously you need that time to charge and build meter too(not that hard but still a requirement). A lot of the theory fighting was about Megaman being a counter to Gold War Machine(stuff like Megabuster spam and rockballs and possible counter Duo’s as things like War Destroyer tracks the point character). There was a lot of interesting stuff that came from theory fighting on that board… like in an effort to prove counter Duo’s, I took screenshots of the incoming Duo character protecting the main character by a “Shield Effect” from beams like Proton Cannon(it has a one hit pulse activation though), where the point character could move around freely behind the incoming character. Viscant and/or Spider-Dan really argued against me on the Shield Effect existing, but that was really pronounced in MvC2 with things like Cyke doing a MOB on someone’s assist(unlike A/HVB which hits everything in its path). Unfly mode also made its debut on that board… with someone posting that they could do Sentinel combos that other people couldn’t verify… that person REALLY got berated even though they were right because the experienced players couldn’t replicate it at first.

I had a girlfriend in San Jose during the early days of MvC2 so I went over and played at SHGL against players like Spider-Dan, Micah, Fluffy, Ricky Ortiz(he won a MvC2 Orlando tourney). I hung out with Micah and Fluffy while over there… they were really friendly/hospitable. I used Sent/IM/?(Iceman?) in the early days of MvC2, but the main team at the time was Cable/Storm/AA and so I stopped playing Sent completely after that… my team has been Mag/Cable/IM since forever now(it’s got a lot of synergy like a TOD combo with meter). I got a few ppl into MvC2 here and they evolved into killers in MvC2 and UMvC3(though I sadly never invested in UMvC3 much… surprisingly average/below average with my X23/Trish/Frank team, though I am/was a killer in MvC2). I also bought a Naomi system with MvC2 from Japan, and a CPS2 with MSF too that I need to set up. I still love MvC2 but you can’t really play online and nobody really plays it here anymore. I ended up playing a lot of WoW/Dota.

What are you guys playing atm?

Man this thread…I miss dasrik. It’s sad to see his posts seem to have been purged