Fantasy Strike - easy to execute fighting game

I found some videos of the tournament, and the matches were quite good. Are there any videos showing Lum from the event?

Nah, this game is pretty much proof that motion commands arenā€™t a necessary part of the fighting game experience.

I really canā€™t picture that if, it an alternatve universe, Street Fighter 2 had originally come out with easy one button special moves etc., that we would be saying ā€œa way to improve the experience of this game would be to make the moves hard to doā€¦ maybe with some sort of special command?ā€ Would the game have been less successful by being more accessible? I really doubt it.

Of course thatā€™s not to say that both canā€™t exist. I definitely donā€™t think that if there is a market that exists of people who want to play a game with heavy execution requirements shouldnā€™t have games made for them too.

I believe there can be hype in this game. There just needs to be tournaments to show it! :smiley:

I have heard that there is a spectator mode in the works, so with that, hopefully we can do some actual live streaming of online tournaments in this thing.

Looks like these guys got pretty hype to meā€¦

[quote=ā€œRemy77077, post:604, topic:176218ā€]

Looks like these guys got pretty hype to meā€¦


Those motherfuckers play NRS games for a livingā€¦
Whatā€™s next? You show us a kid with down syndrome smearing his face with poop while laughing, then tell us playing with poop is the shit?

[quote=ā€œRemy77077, post:604, topic:176218ā€]

Looks like these guys got pretty hype to meā€¦


Aside from the idiots yelling BS, I liked the flow of the match and how F.King adapted through it.

Hey guys, itā€™s me, the friendly neighbourhood Australian

Iā€™m gonna be running a tournament for this game.
It will be a simple one day tournament. Single elimination, best of three, standard counterpick.
Streaming is pretty difficult due to lack of spectator mode, but Iā€™m trying to work something outā€¦
I wonā€™t participate because Australian ping, and itā€™ll help me run it better.

Tentative date so far is 21st, afternoon for Americans, evening for EU boys, and early Sunday morning for easterners.

So you know, come along and make this game happen.

If youā€™re one of those people who believe this game has a low skill ceiling and is easily mastered, come prove it.
I look forward to seeing you all fight.

Hereā€™s the main thread Iā€™m using to discuss it:

[quote=ā€œArtVandelay, post:605, topic:176218ā€]

Iā€™m sure many SF elitists would play NRS games for a living if they were good enough.

At this juncture itā€™s non point to discuss the main gimmick of the game. Itā€™s done. Itā€™s happening. Would be stifling if every thread of this game will be a debate about 1-button specials.

[quote=ā€œEvolution169, post:608, topic:176218ā€]

I mean yes, thatā€™s a given. People generally donā€™t have an issue with the NRS characters or anything; if the games were good enough theyā€™d play them. Theyā€™re not, so theyā€™re left to a fairly small portion of the community who enjoy them regardless.

Man, the lack of a standard mexican uppercut or otherwise normal anti-air button on most characters is still driving me batty.

Tournament thread is live.
If youā€™re interested, pop over to the thread and indicate your interest.

Hope to see you there!

[quote=ā€œMuttonman, post:610, topic:176218ā€]

No, I meant if the elitists were good enough to play them for a living, they would. In other words, someone playing NRS games for a living doesnā€™t mean much.

A couple of nice updates from Sirlin talking about changes that are coming to future versions of FS:

Iā€™ve been playing a bit with the Wild West build, and at least on macOS, there seem to be HUGE performance boosts since the previous build. Like, I went from ā€œbarely 60 fps with vsync off at lowest graphics playing offlineā€ to ā€œconsistent 60 fps at medium graphics with vsync on, at a higher resolution.ā€ Apparently these performance improvements are baked in to the update on the main Steam build now too?

I have an excellent computer and had terrible fps so I hope thatā€™s the case.

Yeah, I think the optimization got much better, or maybe itā€™s the upgraded version of Unity they apparently used for this build? Either way, I can actually get near-consistent 60 fps on my wifeā€™s mid-2013 MacBook Air for offline play at lowest graphics, which isnā€™t too shabby given that it runs on Intel HD 5000 graphics instead of dedicated graphics hardware.

In other extremely important news, it has come to my attention that Lum, the gambling panda to be added in the near future (you can see him in some SoCal Regionals footage in a not-quite-finished state), has a Winnie the Pooh color scheme. I fear it may be too strong.

Just one week out from the tournament. Donā€™t forget about it! Come prove yourself!

From the front-page news, in case forum dwellers donā€™t check there :slight_smile:

Another good spotlight videoā€¦ DeGrey is so weird for me as heā€™s not like anything Iā€™m used to from another FG - yeah I know heā€™s got a fair bit from Slayer but I never got into GG. So anyway, I learned a lot just from this spotlight, despite playing him plenty in FS so far. I think until Lum and Arg come along, heā€™s probably my favourite character to play.

And the newest spotlight video

Recent upgrades to the Early Access have been great, especially the perfomance improvements. That, alongside the already amazing netcode has enabled some amazing cross-contintental matches that are almost freakishly playable. Even the devs have seem shocked how lag free it can be.