Family fun arcade (ffa): happily handing out ass whoopins for 37 years!

Beat it last night buddy…with Tim looking on.

Tim watched you beat it last night, alright…he was beating it hard while he watched you beat it…fag you will never beat my score

FFA 2nite

Some new info on the FFA biweeklies, hopefully we get some more people out and stuff. I am more personally interested in casuals and stuff

sweet pyro they got your game…skullgirls

Tim reset the donkey kong jr scores…

FFA 2niteeeee

he misses me

FFA 2nite…everyone going…3S

FFA Friday night? For some 3S/CVS?

FFA tonight

I was going to come out to FFA today, but then I realized that console casuals/tournaments were going to be next week.

Then I cried a little on the inside; I wanted to start leveling up face to face with people.

You should go check it out anyways, you never know who just might be there.

Then I’ll swing by later this evening; Kinda selling my soul to the Diablo III right now =\

Who isn’t? Besides myself… :[


lol I should be going here every week, it’s like 15 Min from my place. I’m usually too busy to drop by, but will try to attend this Saturday(June 3rd) if not then on the 17th for sure.

I haven’t been to a tournament in nearly 1 year and 1/2, since I was in NorCal basically. How strong is the CvS2 scene here? I’ve been here 2 or 3 times over the past year, but all the cabs are usually lonely except for the 3s cabs. :’(

One question:

Will the tournament be BYOC? Or will setups be provided?

If you are playing 3s, its on the American/Japanese cabs for sure. I am pretty sure there are a couple of CVS2 cabs there too. But bring your stick just in case. You never know.

the cvs2 scene is pretty much nobody but you do get the occasional decent casual players