Evo2k4 Post Mortem

I don’t think it’s circular at all. Look at 3s and GGXX.

Let me quote Ohayo just to get this clear.

Yeah, you heard right. He understands some of the things leading to the decision but STILL FELT JACKED!!! Why is asking if not for an explanation? I suppose he’s just arbitrarily throwing out rhetorical questions?

Ok, I can read what he’s saying. However, you claimed that these technical difficulties were unforseen. Are you saying that you didn’t know, until Evo, that you didn’t have what it would take to run 2of3 but you posted that it would 2of3 without being sure that it could be done? I don’t see the logic in saying something will happen if you can’t guarantee that it will. Shiet. That happened to me and I got crazy dissed for it. I guess it’s ok for you to act this way, right? Yo, you said it would be one way and it didn’t happen.

I WAS there at the CvS2 event. Perhaps the real problem is with your announcement system. Still, ppl didn’t know it would turn out that way when they bought their tickets(of course, you avoided my parallel between that and ggxx, conveniently).

Yeah, Ohayo answered his own question but still asked it? Wtf? I didn’t see any reply that reflected that the incident was unfortunate and that the responsibility fell on SRK and that yall were sorry for misleading us unintentionally. But then, with the thinking regarding ggxx, things just don’t look straight.

And what you think is all that matters, of course. As you can see, I’m not the one really posting about A3 anymore so, it seems that others see the line of thinking as being without merit but, to you, it makes perfect sense. Yep, arrogance.

Prove us ALL wrong. Announce and hold A3 at Evo and watch the players practice up and get excited about playing again. If it doesn’t happen, you were right. Right now, you just look like you’re refusing to see what’s right in front of your face because, well, you just don’t want to see it because you’re wrong. You want to see an A3 scene? Announce it for Evo right now. You can pretend it’s the A3 players’ fault but, no evo representation is what is really responsible for the death of the scene. A3 had many heads for years DESPITE there not being a console version. What changed? Evo dropped it. Hello? I swear you MUST be pretending not to see this clearly.

N-Ken is 100% right. The thinking is circular. Fix that shit.

The thing is, you say one thing regarding one game and another thing regarding another game. Something is clearly up if the thinking isn’t consistent. VF wasn’t popular AT ALL in the US in comparison to A3 yet, you have it at Evo. Maybe YOU feel that SF is represented appropriately but many don’t. You decided to add VF to see if Evo could give it more steam but, you won’t offer the same courtesy to SF. If you’d like, I can show you the clear difference between 3s and A3 and how things turned out the way they did. You seem to think that everything was level between them. A3 needed Evo more than 3s did. So, the mentality is to rep games that don’t necessarily need representation? WTF?

3 years LATER and I’m still not the only one that thinks you’re ideas on the matter are fruity and that’s WITH 90% of the A3 scene dropping the scene altogether. I guess you’ll just wait the full 5 years until there isn’t anyone left that remembers it?

Ppl can see what I’m saying and see your double-mindedness(refer to previous posts in case the use of that term is unclear to you).

I could pull 10 things out of the air, regarding Evo, where SRK’s thoughts contradict eachother. I see no point unless you’re willing to cop to, or rectify the situations.

SF is way the FUCK off course but, since your turn out is good, because other games are compensating and thus, hiding the diminishment of the scene, you’re going to pretend things are fine? Not such a bright call, bud.

There was a time when we both loved SF. I guess SF just wasn’t good enough to you, huh?


It’s pretty clear the direction that EVO is heading – and that your verbose ranting isn’t going to change it. If you really believe what you’re saying, you should get off my back and go help people that see things closer to the way that you do. There are plenty of people out there – ECC, MWC, FFA.

Everyone else seems to get this (3s people, ggxx people, even SNK people, who organized their own set of unofficial tournaments at evo).