I’m in Vegas now everyone at Emperor Paines.
To Ben Ra- I ain’t the only one talking about the Japanese players coming etc. I get info from a lot of people just like people get info about Mago etc in SF4. But why aren’t you talking shit to them saying that Mago should be coming etc? You have selective reading and you also choose who you are gonna attack, while ignoring the others. Also Ben Ra I did say once again MANY DISCLAIMERS in the first post about such events and people NOT coming right?
That just shows your laziness in regards to reading, something you STILL have not addressed yet. That’s an issue you have! You read what you wanna read and ignore the rest!
So why not go back to the hole you came from. You and I disagree in regards to how to run events. Like I said if you wanna step up and run it be my guest, if not I would kindly appreciate it if you stop cluttering my thread with this nonsense. Once again do you play SNK games? *You said you don’t have any stake in this you said so yourself…so GTFO. U just confirmed yourself as hater…please see yourself to the door! *
I’ve said enough to you, you have selective reading. Talking to you is like trying to tell a DG hater not to hate DG, they are gonna hate me regardless, and the more I win the more they will have to respect me. U don’t have to like me but you WILL in due time respect me! I’m gonna keep doing what I do and every year the number of haters decrease! Why is that? Because I keep handling my business, so that gives them LESS to talk about, unless they wanna nitpick on shit like you do and the others on here have done!!! I respect every one of my competitors unless they disrespect me!
I understand I’m in the limelight so I’m gonna get random people trying to money match me and take me down, but at the same time it should be done in a respectful manner.
The Judge- You are right exactly. I get my info from people, I post up what I know, and keep people updated in regards to that. Also if someone is gonna decide not to go because some bailed out last minute they are just chumps anyways. A competitor doesn’t care about who shows up and who doesnt, he/she brings his A game either way. Hyping up stuff is not lying, I’m saying these people could be at this event, and if they are this is HOW I am going to take advantage of it. Like I say I believe this Ben Ra guy is just a plain hater, I only see his name pop up in SNK threads when he talks shit or otherwise. I can relate him to other outside people that try to “advise me” when they aren’t even a part of the scene!!!
Plus this guy doesnt get it…SNK NEEDS HYPE IN AMERICA! If he doesnt get that then hes the one without the brains! This is a Capcom/Tekken community…SNK needs something to get people excited, and thats what I try to bring it! Once again if he doesn’t understand that then we don’t need to be talking! Its like if we were in Mexico, Capcom games would need hype like Justin Wong showing up or something because otherwise they wouldnt get too much love in Mexico compared to KOF and no one would care just like in the United States and SNK games. I understand this and that is what I am trying to give everyone! But I cannot control who shows up and who doesn’t, I can keep people posted and get inside info like I have, but I cannot drag people to the event. This same thing happened at Raging Storm, I got ideas of who was gonna come, and they decided last minute not to come, can I control that? No I cannot.
Arturo- But he also doesnt know about the other good players in 98UM that are gonna be there like Mr. KOF, me, Oscar, and others so 98UM will have the clash of the FOBS!!! (I’m a Mexican FOB from CD. Juarez lol, FOBS here everyone meaning not in the literal sense but talking in reference to the highest level of play in KOF found in America!) Sorry to hear you cant sign up for 98UM but I appreciate you getting back to me. I am in Las Vegas right now just arrived and trying to rest up and catch everything before tomorrow when things get going!! Mr. KOF says they are down for the West Coast battle vs. East Coast. We can’t just have Chris Hu going against Mr. KOF and the rest can we? If you wanna do that then we can do that, Chris Hu (NYC/AI) vs. Mr. KOF, Oscar and AI…
Also Mr. KOF is MASTER FOB Status too Arturo from AI what I hear so 98UM is gonna be popping!
Matter of fact I’ll set that up and make it happen…EXHIBITION…not a money match…Wiz is serious about the MMs…I will not get ejected on the basis of this!
Bring your A game everyone!
**Mr. KOF- **Man I sleep on no one so I hear yah! They shouldnt sleep on us and surely shouldnt disrespect anyone saying they’ll go “random select on anyone and win!” unless they are disrespected and there is no such a thing! This is the type of hype I do NOT like, lets keep it clean without the insults…once the insults get in things could get personal, and I do not want that to happen, I want this to be in good, clean fun!
Chris Hu- I dunno how our money match is gonna happen because its serious business at EVO about no money matches and I will not get ejected because of that! We can have an exhibition match or something ft10 but I wont do any money matches in EVO and cost myself getting ejected from EVO, which will cost the SNK community greatly, and is selfish. I dont do this for the money, I do it for the community. It’s just not worth the risk to the SNK community. Now we can do it in another room or something, but otherwise no.
Syphuse and YYSHU- Doubles and Teams are free yes they are!
Now I would suggest you all put Ben Ra on ignore, he is cluttering my thread. You all notice someone always tries every year with some angle to talk shit!