EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

Ok so its agreed on we will team up and go for the top.

To everyone else I’m looking forward to some great matches and can’t wait to play against all of you and test my skills.
See you all at EVO

Just fine polished my teams and just finished fixing up a PS2 stick.
Now, I’m 100% ready.

But, I still request that later in the day I can find some 02UM casuals, cause AI FOB’s keep kicking me off while I’m learning it.
98UM is gonna be too good this year.

@DG: If XI goes on till 11AM it’ll clash with the Blazblue tourny. same goes for Garou if you’re gonna start it immediately afterwards. So a few ppl (like me) will need a few held matches.

Yeah man you have no idea how long me and Arturo Sanchez have been trying to round up the best players from the East Coast and the West Coast. Since you are the best in AI and I hear wild horror stories of your demolition of people in KOF, you are considered SuperFOB Status lol. Now I’ve played against the SuperFOBs in KOF in CTF like 4 years ago, so I wonder if we can get them from ChinaTown Fair. Ask Oscar he can tell you about the level of the SuperFOBS in 98 over in NYC.

The issue is gonna be getting Justin Wong to NOT be so damn busy, as we know he wants that $7,000 for SF4.

Other than that I know Arturo is down and hopefully we’ll get to see Arturo vs. Pepe in 98UM again.

Okay so then tell me what games you and the Judge want me to register you both for as a team.

We’ll probably have tim for 2k2UM Casuals, there may even be casual stations depending on how many consoles/games people bring that we have access to. I XI should be finished by 11:00 AM if not then we will know where you are. KOFXI is a fast game.

Today by like 11:00 AM CST is the last time to pre reg because I gotta get ready to get on the bus to Vegas come midnight!

Hey DG sign me up for Garou lol, see if I can shock the world again. Well depending on what time you run it, what time are you running it?

I’ll play NGBC if it’s there…didn’t see the game in Geese’s list though. That the only game I would feel comfortable playing. I suck at KOF.

Hey!!! i just moved to Sandiego from mexico and i see this today!!! so this EVO event i’ve heard about is in Las Vegas??? tell me cuase im not sure about this and i would really like to go!!! and whats the adress of the place and maybe how much i would have to spend to go??? im interested in Kof XI and KOF 98um singles… i dont have teams for those…

Please help me with some information, i would love to go!!! can i sitll make it???


yes it is in Las Vegas from July 17th-19th, you might have to spend around 200-300 dollars including gas and hotels, check the stickies for more info on evo.

This is gonna be tons of fun, don’t miss it!

okayQ!!! is there a specific thread where to post info about going???

i want to know if people from here (San diego) are going, maybe i could sitck to someone and coperat with gas, and what about hotels? maybe are you guys going togheter and get a discount??? i dont know , please tell me any suggestions, i really want to go!!! also, with $200 you think ill make it???

thanks guys, any info is really helpful as im new to this event and really trying to get thigs going here so i can go… ill be online tonight, please add me to chat about thiss!!!


thanks again to everybody!!!

I’ll put you down for Garou MOTW, shock the world with that Terry lol. Garou MOTW Singles starts at 10:30 AM on Friday.

Sign up for 98UM dude…You know you want another shot at Ryan Hart!!!

I still got that extra copy of Garou MOTW from DEVASTATION, I need to borrow it for EVO just in case. After that I will mail it to you okay? Yeah man wish you could make it EVO is gonna be off the chain from the SNK perspective this year, I can already see it topping 2007.

Yes you will be in El Paso!

The guy above is right.

I dont know anything about people from San Diego going, you may wanna contact the people in Los Angeles like Mr. KOF, and some others to see if you can catch a ride with them! I don’t wanna be the only one representing MEXICO at EVO you know! (I’m repping the US and Ciudad Juarez!)

With $200 you’ll be fine…I’ll even make sure to take care of a fellow brethren from Mexico and help you stretch that money…so come on down!!!

Also you betta sign up for 2k2UM!!! :annoy: :lol: (Quien usas wey?)

Shall I put you in for KOFXI, 2k2UM and 98UM Singles?

Also I will be on a bus at midnight 2 Vegas so you gotta catch me between now and a few hours or I’m out for the rest of the day.

Also all you need to know about EVO is right here:


If you show up there just look for where the SNK action is happening…also know the times when the tournies start because they will start on time!


DG you arnt the only guy repin Mexico, I will be too, (US and Leon Guanajuato).
If he needs help getting to EVO he can contact me, I’m in LA and I’m not planin to leave till Thursday afternoon at latest Thursday night to be there by Friday mornin. So if anything he can get in touch with me but ASAP so something can be worked out.

Dark Geese, Question. Is Ignition Ent. going to be there with KoF XII? Sorry if it’s already been asked and confirmed?

Excellent then I’ll put that down for u as far as location etc. Could you try to contact that guy for me? Why is because I will be leaving in about 30-45 minutes meaning no more preregs and I got some errands to do, ladies to meet up with lol and stuff before I take off the Vegas tonite, so I probably won’t be online again until I’m at EmperorPaines Thursday morning or something…

Rojo- No KOFXII…thats why BlazBlue is having its Exhibition instead of KOF…:sad:


DG- I got ya, you gotta take care of all your business first. I’ll go ahed and contact him and see where it goes from there. We gotta rep SNK big this year so no one can be left out. Also if no one steps up to run Garou I’ll be more than welcome to step up to the plate on it.

Thank you, because I was gonna run it, but if I can count on you then that means you are staff…meaning you might as well now sign up for EVERY SNK tournament because now you get in all of them free of charge!


Okay!!! sal_says, so i already posted my msn so you can add me, if not, in this thread we can comunicate… so about going, you say youre leaving at latest thursday night right? if im here in Sandiego where and when would it be the best way to meet? ill probably be free till 5 pm here in sandiego on thursday… im not yet sure if will be able to og, but im making all posible arrangements and things to go
Also if Dark geese sings me up and (in the worst case) i dont show up, is there a problem?

DG- Hey you can count on me, I wont let you or the SNK community down. And hey might as well sign me up for every tourny then haha. I’ll catch ya at EVO brotha and everyone else too.

Preregs now closed…sign up at EVO!

No,prereg means something really in big tournaments like at EVO. You can still show up and sign up…but if you prereg you are in my system at least so I can call you out to come pay etc.

Well with me putting you and yysu in…that wraps up the Preregs guys.

Preregs are now closed…you must now sign up at the event. YYSu what part of Mexico are you from?

Are you free on msn now because i can talk with you about it in about an hour or so. Plus like I said I dont want anyone to miss out so we will work hard on finding a way for you to go.

okay!!! im from Mexico City (df) ill probably can get online on msn in about 15 or 20 min—

ill be checking this thread as often as i can, and tonight ill try to be online from 7pm and on till maybe 12am… illdo everything i can to get there!!!